Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What does it mean to trust ?

What does it mean to be alive?Does it mean to be able to breathe the beautiful morning?
What does it mean to be able to wrap your arms around the wide sky?I guess it means to able to help one more soul,without getting worried about the hurt and betrayal.
A lot of times i have stated that the primary job of a poet is to burn, blow and break in order create golden generation through golden copulations -between Soulful, Intense and the one's who have chaos in their souls.
I am left wondering everytime why do i continue to have affection for certain people inspite of them not measuring up to my beliefs. I guess the time has come for me to satrt looking at things from a long term perspective. relationships require a lot of warmth, care and ability to put the 'other' above anything else including oneself. In love, Only 'You exists', ' I ' has to die. may be i am too idealistic to say with a firm belief that " Trust is something that makes the world a better place ".

Inspite the betrayals and setbacks, I firmly believe that we live in a civilised world and we have to trust fellow humans. In the end i am reminded of what Gandhiji said - trust is something that will make the world a better place.

" He Lives well who lives lightly,
hoards nothing,
Let go the air he breathes - to draw in more"

In the end we are all bound by our own beliefs and as some wise man said ," Those who live by sword, die by it ", In a similar context can i say that the ones who breaks the trust of fellow humans bear the taste of it. Anyway at the end of life you know what you have done , I for sure will die with a clear concience - Peaceful man.