Saturday, August 23, 2008

Then there will be blood..

I write this with a heavy heart in the distant land. I am struggling to find news related to India and kashmir situation. I have some questions before i proceed to further..
[*]What is India? It it an idea only in mind/thought?
[*]Why should kashmir be such an issue?
[*]Isn't it truth that some 500 princely states signed up on the behalf of their populace to be part of India?
[*]Only because Kashmir is muslim majority,that's why it should be given autonomy or whatever - special status?
[*]By this logic, why not Khalistan? Why not Bangistan - adding parts of Assam to bangladesh?
[*]Why should article 370 not be removed and let it assimilate?
[*]If this tamasha was to happen and some lousy armchair psedo-secularists/intellectuals were to decide the fate of this nation state, why my brothers fight and die for it?
[*]Who has given this government right to represent indian people? With the 50% voting and congress getting 30% popular vote, it comes to mere 15% of the population representation?
[*]Who has given journalists like Barkha dutt/Vir sanghvi the right to talk nonsense and liberty to represent India?
[*]Isn't this the incompetence of Shivraj patil and MMS? The moment jammu people call for their rights they become communal?
[*]Does secularism mean only appeasing Muslims?
[*]Why not one law for all citizens?
[*]Should we not throw out all muslims into bay of bengal and then into pakistan by this logic. Country was devided on religious terms- right? I believe most of them want the same things as all other Indians, education for kids, decent future and all
[*]Are we a nation of wimps? America fought a deadly civil war to assimilate, Britain fought some 400,sorry 600+ years with Ireland to assimilate and still on. Russia still fights in Chechnya, China in taiwan for 60 years and we endorse such stupid and inane ideas.

Let me clarify, I have great friends in muslims and I am an avowed athiest. I firmly believe it's been couple of million years since 'God' last visited. All my muslim friends are furious. 4 months back , I wrote an article and then only I had mentioned that India needs to be wary of Barkha dutt types.
The danger to India, is not from these islamists or fundamentalists, It is from these pseudo secularists. In this country, If a neighboring farmer ploughs 6 inches of land from field,generations spill blood for that 6 inches. You all are giving solutions just like that. We are trying to justify and analyse Arundhati Roy, who thinks she is representative of india(after writing a semi porn novel) named peice of s---- and Barkha dutt. Let me say on this forum there will be blood'.