Friday, September 26, 2008

Liberal or a bigot

This is a question that needs a great deal of thinking. We spew words and venom alike on the thought that is not akin to our own. Moreover, Whom to call a Liberal and who is a bigot. This is a question every Hindu( way of life i meant) must answer.

What is wrong with our culture/religion or way of life that we have become a Lamp post wherein every dog that comes around and needs to assert its presence goes on lifting its leg piss on it? How come right thinking and intelligent people can't call the bluff and see for themselves the farce that is continuing for so long. In my opinion this has roots in the invasions and subsequent rule of the foreigners. To be more precise it all started with the muslim rule and has continued with even more fervor during the british raj and now also.

How come we allow these moral guardians/politicians/commies/South Indian Rationalist parties to talk shit about Hindu brethren? How they blame and chide the hindus for this kind of behaviour? How they win elections and manage to sway the hindu majority even after bashing them? We still see a subsequent majority of Hindus agreeing with these jokers wherein these very guys have no balls to talk in a similar manner about Islamists, christian missionaries. we must find answers. If we look closely such subservient thought processes have been seen in all societies that have suffered the misfortune of being conquered and subjected to alien rule for some time. There are always people in all societies who confuse superiority of armed might with superiority of culture, who start despising themselves as belonging to an inferior breed and end by taking to the ways of the conqueror in order to regain self confidence, who begin finding faults with everything they have inherited from their forefathers, and who finally join hands with every force and factor which is out to subvert their ancestral society.

Viewed in this perspective, Pandit Nehru was no more than a self alienated Hindu, and Nehruism is not much more than Hindubaiting born out of and sustained by a deep seated sense of inferiority vis a vis Islam, Christianity, and the modern West.

centuries of muslim rule in medieval India had produced a whole class of such self alienated Hindus. They had interpreted the superiority of Muslim arms as symbolic of the superiority of Muslim culture. Over a period of time, they had come to think and behave like the conquerors and to look down upon their own people. They were most happy when employed in some Muslim establishment so that they might pass as members of the ruling elite. The only thing that could be said in their favour was that, for one reason or the other, they did not convert to Islam and merge themselves completely in Muslim society. But for the same reason, they had become Trojan horses of Islamic imperialism, and worked for pulling down the cultural defences of their own people.

The same class walked over to the British side when British arms became triumphant. They retained most of those and Hindu prejudices which they had borrowed from their Muslim masters, and cultivated some more which were contributed by the British establishment and the Christian missions. That is how the British rule became a divine dispensation for them. The most typical product of this double process was Raja Ram Mohun Roy. This joker maintained 2 houses one for Indians and another for Europeans( resplendent with European wives and butlers) and he courted the Europeans in this house. All thanks to the commie influenced education we read about him as a great saviour of Hinduism( as if all was bad before that). Every society has it's own horrific past - west had it's slave trade, burning of protestants alive. we never ever had slavery as an institution as we were a flowing religion, based on equality of human beings.

" Fortunately for Hindu society, however, the self alienated Hindu had not become a dominant factor during the Muslim rule. His class was confined to the urban centres where alone Muslim influence was present in a significant measure. The number of this bastard breed was few and far between in the countryside where Muslim rule had never struck strong roots. Secondly, the capacity of Islam for manipulating human minds by means of ideological warfare was less than poor. It worked mostly by means of brute force, and aroused strong resistance. Finally, throughout the period of Muslim rule, the education of Hindu children had remained in Hindu hands by and large. So the self alienated Hindu existed and functioned only on the margins of Hindu society, and seldom in the mainstream."

All this changed with the coming of the British conquerors and the Christian missionaries. Their influence was not confined to the urban centres because their outposts had spread to the countryside as well. Secondly, they were equipped with a stock of ideas and the means for communicating them which were far more competent as compared to the corresponding equipment of Islam. And what made the big difference in the long run was that the education of Hindu children was taken over by the imperialist and the missionary establishments. As a cumulative result, the crop of self alienated Hindus multiplied fast and several fold. Add to that the blitzkrieg against authentic Hindus and in favour of the selfalienated Hindus mounted by the Communist apparatus built up by Soviet imperialism.

It is no less than a wonder in human history that Hindu society and culture not only survived the storm, but also produced a counter attack under Maharshi Dayananda, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi such as earned for them the esteem of the world at large. Even so, the self alienated Hindus continued to multiply and flourish in a cultural miliu mostly dominated by the modem West. And they came to the top in the post independence period when no stalwart of the Hindu resurgence remained on the scene.

What is required in todays scenario is a moral equivalent of Swami Vivekanad who rouses the spirit of this great civilisation and make them believe in the greatness of the thought that makes us so unique. When I look at this and analyse what Bajrang dal is doing or has done,I am forced to ask this question. What's wrong being a hardline Hindu? I am proud of my heritage and will protect it at whatever cost. I don't need a certificate of being cultured from west minded/ leftist/ rationalists. I will make all out efforts to redeem my society of the ills and bring dignity to all even though I have no god in heart and mind.

I am ready to be a Bigot.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My innamota

How do you describe the feeling watch a pelican stroll around your feet
looking for some grains? you move and the pretty bird stays,
unmindful of your chores,busy.
perfect harmony of beings.
I am one with my inner self, my innamota.
kids running around,playing in the grass, rolling, parents clicking pictures.
Curious young man, all of four, looking to make his mark,
chasing around the birds, get bittten, turns chicken himself.
I am one with my inner self, my innamota.
what do I seek in this distant foreign land?
purpose of life or life itself?
The old lady wipes the food off her young man’s lips.
He is frail,she perplexed looking at the pair of kissing young women.
Which one of them is ‘The woman’, nodes her head.
what language is it? east european, may be polish,err Russian
“Eat slowly George, You are retired long back, no hurry”.
I am one with my inner self, my innamota.
Is it a reinforcement of belief or statement on current state?
Am i convincing myself of the harmony with myself?
Slow long walk to the underground, sad, happy face
what about the soul? “ No one will see it”
before i walk, let me feed the pelicans, reflect at the cycle of my life.
Am i one with my inner self, my innamota?