Monday, November 22, 2010

other side of morning

Rustle of leaves,
Wind tiptoeing through,
What’s that noise?
I was sleeping
Silver drapes flowing, O It’s raining,
I am getting drenched,
Who let loose the Tap?
I am sleeping
If the rain does not stop,
Dam is going to break,
House will be flooded,
Some people on the road,
Carry everything they own on their head,
Stop this coming and going,
I am sleeping
Where are you going? I am already up.
“Other side of morning,
Wake up and stop dreaming.”
Impossible concentration!
Squirrels, Puppies running around,
Heavens! it’s 10’o’clock
Watch, clothes, shoes and shower,
The sound of wheat grains in fist,
Gold on Earth, Smell of first drop on parched land,
Cut a piece of earth, toppings of green shoots,
Want to eat with break fast, It’s healthy,
Where was I? "I guess sleeping."