Sunday, April 15, 2012

Great Indian liberal rope trick

I read somewhere minds free of dogmas and full of rational matter are more productive as they have a different way of looking at things, free of prejudice and non-judgemental. What a noble thought and history is resplendent of examples justifying the statement too. The important thing to note however is that most of the examples are western I.e. Einstine , openhiemer.
Coming to India, our liberals are a different breed altogether. I was watching some news program where some secular diva was espousing her innate nose of fairness and ideas of liberalism. Mind it, she has a large following and generates lot of positive feedback from the younger generation of viewers .She is a public intellectual. Why only she, there are lot many and if my guess is alright, it is the new trend for young urban middle class. However, I heard her and tabulated views of her ilk on what is the most liberal and true religion and modern too