Monday, May 21, 2012

Secret diary - Neeli Pagdi

Secret Diary of Neeli pagdi:

Thank you Notes

1. Mumbai Police - Diverting attention from the bill to muzzle internet by bringing a Kid's 'Rave party' on front page

2. Delhi Police - For raising the skirt, I mean bar by getting confession from LUKE and saving me from hiding on failed economy

Salary raises :

Bakara Doott - For making irrelevant statements & saving the attention of Indians from Economy , Jobs, Controlling Internet

Hamam buoy - For making profound statements like 'Big blow to Modi' every time a DOG died in Gujarat , Keep the Bas#@$d busy there

Injured Puppy Nasal twang wife (Oceanic Ghoose) - Making Maomata the real villain of economy in eyes of Public

To Nail :
1. Army chief - Yaar Jab dekho Goliyan mangta rehta hai . Woh to main Public ko de raha hoon usko kahan se doon

2. Smarty Pants Veshti - Quietly shiphon off some documents to Sub Swamy to keep him busy. Wants my chair.. O Main kya Khote to ruk

1. MadamJi - A big bouquet on the death anniversary of her husband. Thank you hai ji for adopting me to warm the Chair for Raul baba

2. Raul baba - Thank you note for doing a great work in UP. Abhi AP, Maha ke life best of luck. Do you want me to buy new shoes & under garments

Saturday, May 19, 2012

You reminded me

On this lazy Saturday morning

What can I read her

How can I read her

Tell something that will Pearce

Walls, Rivers, Oceans & Ego

I' read her the dreams that I wove

May be let her read

Show her sea turtles that bleed

I’ll read her the Mahabharata

Full of criss-cavalry, blood
& gore

Stories to tame & charm
& more

What can i read her

On this lazy Saturday morning

Friday, May 18, 2012

I met a dream

Met a dream last night
Saw her come down the eye lane
walking to me
holding the hand of dream
reminded of life, smiling
Did not come alone
Necklace of dream!

stop chasing moonlight Poet
live in the moment
gather your blanket
sleep now
me , mine & mine alone
Living she was , Living I am

Clothed in sunlight
Let me chomp off the sky
Will start from the edge
Middle is hot
Wanton, willful & passive
Married to doubt
Saw the devil run dream aground

Dream time women.
Wondrous sacraments of doubt
Sprang sullen in bursts of fear, hope
& guilt in the womb’s pit hole
below the beast's belt

Living she was, Living I am

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sonea-nomics & Cheese eating monkeys

Going by the decible levels raised by Sonia Gandhi's mouthpeices aka UndieTV , sorry NDTV and Hammam boy's CNNIBN alongwith the Jesuit Jholawallahs, one may get the feeling that Sonia gandhi is on her way to sainthood. These Wine drinking cheese eating monkeys who live in flats thanks to CONgress largese are pure rhetorical. All these rhetorics have convinced me that Socialism is pure evil and melodramatic.

This food security bill will simpley beggar this country along with NREGA and loan wiping off.

Despite the objections of many in the UPA cabinet and the advice of economists, Sonia Gandhi is shoving the Food Security Bill down our throats.
It is tempting to conclude that all this is prompted by a desire to see the poor fed, but the truth is that the Food Security Bill (FSB) – like many of its predecessors – will end up achieving the exact opposite of what it wants to. It will achieve food insecurity and a devastated economy.
The FSB’s bills will fall due only later, but Sonia Gandhi’s old bills are already costing us plenty – not least inflation and a busted budget.
Let us add up the real cost to the country when Sonia Gandhi’s party feeds itself off someone else’s money: ours. This is the true cost of keeping the Dynasty in power.
The following are Sonia Gandhi’s political bills that have been paid by all of us – taxpayers and consumers.
# 1 Farm loan write-off of Rs 72,000 crore in 2008. All that the UPA needed to do to help farmers in debt was to waive interest, freeze the outstandings, and allow them to pay it all in easy instalments. But what could have been a bill of less than Rs 10,000 crore of interest waivers, which would have helped maintain a proper climate for loan recovery while providing real relief, ended up with a cost of Rs 72,000 crore for the exchequer. The political part of the bill is thus Rs 72,000 crore minus interest waiver costs – say around Rs 60,000 crore. The cost of damaging the repayment culture is incalculable – and will be paid by subsequent generations and banks.
# 2: Subsidies paid for keeping diesel, cooking gas and kerosene prices low:Rs 2,23,203 crore in 2005-11. Add this year’s under-recoveries of another Rs 1,32,000 crore, and the total bill is Rs 3,55,000-and-odd crore. Let’s further assume that all politicians would have subsidised petro-goods to some extent. But the NDA did not subsidise half as much. If we take 50 percent of the amount as subsidies that every politician would have paid to consumers, the subsidies paid only to humour Sonia Gandhi would be around Rs 1,75,000 crore.
# 3: The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) has cost all of Rs 1,00,000 crore so far, and by March, 2012, it will have cost around Rs 1,40,000 crore. Assuming, once again, a more sensible kind of populism would have ended up with only half the expenditure on such schemes, Sonia’s bill would work out to Rs 70,000 crore.
The Sonia-Rahul re-election bill so far thus amounts to Rs 3,05,000 crore.

Now let me get this food security bill into analysis. there are various estimates doing rounds. the most commonly dished out number is 127000 Crores. Ashok Gulati and Jyoti Gujral wri=ote in Economic times that the real cost of FSB direct as well as indirect (Accompanying investments in Godowns etc) is 200000 Cr.

Now let’s assume that even this money is worth spending to feed the poor. But the existing public distribution system (PDS) leads to a leakage of nearly 60 percent.
Says a World Bank study prepared at the instance of the UPA government: “Leakages and diversion of grains are high. Only 41 per cent of the grains released by government reach households, according to the 2004-05 National Sample Survey (the latest data available), with some states doing much worse. In 2001, the Planning Commission has estimated this leakage of BPL (below poverty line) grains at 58 percent nationally.”
If 58-60 percent of Rs 2,00,000 crore spent on the Food Security Bill is going to be lost due to leakage and pilferage, this is a humongous Rs 1,20,000 crore loss every year. Since it is Sonia Gandhi who insists on the FSB in its current form after rejecting every other alternative (including cash transfers to the poor), it means this bill ought to be sent to her and the National Advisory Council (NAC) she heads. Since we have two years of food security to finance before the next election, the real bill will be Rs 2,40,000 crore for 2012-13 and 2013-14.
Add Rs 2,40,000 crore to the Rs 3,05,000 crore bill the dynasty has already racked up to keep itself in the good books of the electorate and to get Rahul Gandhi the gaddi in 2014, and the true cost of Dynasty is Rs 5,45,000 crore.
NAC’s annual budget in just around Rs 4 crore. But the bill it is sending taxpayers is as much as Rs 5,45,000 crore.
Can India really afford dynastic politics of this irresponsible sort?
Let’s return to the economics of the Food Security Bill (FSB) again. It’s worth beginning with the old saying, slightly modified for our purposes: Teach a man to fish, and he will feed himself for life. Give him a fish every day, and you will have him eating out of your hands. You would have created a permanent dependency and ultimately run out of fish.
This is what Sonia-nomics will achieve with the FSB: a population dependent on the dole, and an economy ultimately unable to feed itself.
To be sure, let’s give Sonia the benefit of the doubt and assume she has a heart of gold and weeps buckets at the thought of anyone going hungry. But nothing in the policies she has backed so far suggests she has her head screwed right.

However, the damage caused by the FSB will be with us long after the UPA is gone. The Bill will result in the following dangers:
1) It will damage the exchequer and stoke inflation – causing the subsidy bill to go higher and higher every year, leading to a pile-up of debts. India will be Greece by 2014.
2) The huge procurement targets needed to feed 75 percent of rural households and 50 percent or urban ones will call for regular increases in food procurement prices. This will again feed inflation.
3) If the monsoon fails in any particular year, we will have to import grain. International food prices are already well above Indian levels. If we enter the market – which we have seldom done – prices will go through the roof. High imports will send the rupee crashing – raising prices again. This is a recipe for disaster.
4) High procurement means closing down three-fourths of the market system in grains since the government becomes a monopoly buyer everywhere.
5) Both poor and rich farmers will try to game the system. If the market gets you a price of Rs 20 a kg for rice, and you can get 35 kg of rice per family per month at Rs 3, who will not buy from the PDS and sell to the market? This is cash transfer by another name: graft will be the only result.
6) The massive bill of Rs 6,00,000 crore for the FSB over three years is essentially money down the drain. It works against the fundamental argument about teaching someone to fish as against feeding him indefinitely. It will create dependencies, when the amount could have been spent to create rural infrastructure to improve agricultural productivity, and incomes. What we have essentially done is consumed the seedcorn of the future by spending money to feed instead of investing in rural infrastructure.

Moreover Look at the mathematics of it..

The government expenditure in Subsidies and NREGA grows at 20% each year .

We ll spend close to 200b on in in fiscal 12. So if the spending increases @ compounded 20% per annum , by 2022 we cauld spend 200b * Σ (1+0.20)^n where n= number in years . (formula for compound interest A=P(1+R/100)^n .. where n = number of years r = rate . Money wasted till 2022 = sum of it wasted every year starting from 2012.

32 * 200 B = 6.4 TRILLION .

So at the present rate , gov't would splurge 6.4 trillion till 2022 . I have made 2 critical assumptions here. 1) government spending shows a secular (in statistical sense) trend of increase ,by 20% per annum. 2) UPA gets re elected and carrys on splurging.

Note the magnitude of the figure. The total endowment of all American Universities is 327 billion dollars. This figure is 20 times the total worth of all American univs .Imagine the productive areas the money could have been spend.

India could easily build US styled infrastructure. Triple its power generation capability to 600k MW (50% MORE than khanate ) . Build thousands of KM of HSR . etc etc etc. And it could be all done in a decades time.

But instead it will be wasted on subsidies and nrega .

You cannot burn this kind of money and hope that there will be no consequence

Now add the social consequences. Think of Indians 67% of the households who are being denied the greatest Prize of life, WORK that you love. Krishan said in Geeta "karmanye vadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana" . He taught us to be Karamyogis, Work without thinking of results.

We are simply creating populations that will be too lazy to work and learnt nothing from the collapse of Europe. Watch my prediction,we are going back to the yardsale of IMF in 2012 as wea re the next Greece. One more generation of Indians have been denied their rightful place in world by CON party and its socialism espousing poor hating journalists.

For them Poor look good in pictures, allows them to indulge in rhetorics and reduce their guilt of corruot money. I have nothing but contempt for these.