Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Richard Dawkins & the perpetually aggrieved!!!

Biologist Richard Dawkins is a familiar name. He and controversy go hand in hand. For years, the famed atheist has regularly gone after the faithfools, Sometimes chiding them for lack of rational thinking and other times questioning the very rationale of the 'Kitaab'. Day before he again raised a storm by stating a fact. Read below the tweet he posted..
"All the world's Muslims have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge. They did great things in the Middle Ages, though," he wrote.
Trinity college , Oxford University has 32 Nobel prizes and muslims worldwide have won 10 Nobel prizes all put together. Let me put some statistics for everyone to read..
Out of the 10
a. 6 have won it for peace - Often a political statement
b. Of the remaining 4, One (Abdus Salam) is not a muslim according to pakis as he was an Ahemadiya
c. Of the remaining 3, 2 have won it for literature & by the dint of their profession both of them would be secular. Muslim only by name
So well done Ahmed Zewali, 1999 winner of the Nobel for Chemistry.
By the way, as usual the faithfools were up in arms calling richard Dawkins "Racist". Well dear libtards and commies alongwith assorted brothers of Ummah, islam is not a race it is a creed. thus technically Dawkins is not a racist.
In one way he was trying to praise the muslims by adding"..They did great things in middle ages,though." Excuse me, can you tell me Mr Dawkins what great things muslims did in middle ages. 
a. Zero was invented in India, learnt by Aarubs and taken to Europe
b. Knowledge of astronomy is a gift of India to the world
c. When "al Kitaab" was declaring earth to be flat and 'Zulqarnain' (Alexander) watching sun
drowning in muddy water at the end of earth, Sanatanis called Geography as "Bhoogol" - 'Bhoo' means Bhoomi, Earth, & 'Gol' means Round
d. Knowledge of steel learnt by Aarubs in India
All they did was added empire under the garb of "malsI' thus appropriating accumulated knowledge of civilizations they conquered for themselves.