Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Heartless or brainless? Here brainless may mean immoral

Lot of people call me heartless when I oppose welfare or doles. I call such people brainless. Consider the implications..

Some people spending other people's money for objectives that are determined by very same people. Nobody spends other person's money as carefully as he spends his own. Nobody has the same dedication to achieve somebody else' objectives that he displays when he pursues his own.
More than this welfare program's have an insidious effect on the moral fibre of both the people, those who administer as well as those who supposedly benefit. For the people who administer/roll out such programs it makes them feel almost God like. The ones who receive such benefits, it instills a feeling of childlike dependence. Their compass for personal decision making disappears. The result is the programs land up burning money, breeding moral, economic corruption without achieving the objective which was their intention in the first place. Suppose you were cruel & took away welfare,cut it off. What would happen? The citizens would find a job! What kind of Job? I don't know but They will become far more responsible with their choices & life as someone else is footing their bills no longer. It may not be a nice job,might not be attractive but it will bring down labour prices,kill inflation and establish an equilibrium. Govt should restrict itself to establish a rule of law, security & education

Far more damage is done through rotting the very fabric that holds a decent society together. This is where i say Congress party has done greatest damage. The day a desperate Indira gandhi Introduced 'Socialism' into the preamble of Indian constitution in 1975, Indians lost their marbles completely. The amount of damage Nehru family has done is unimaginable. If we take into consideration the growth of last 20 years too and stretch it to 60 years, We grew at a pace of only 2.1% on an average.
Congress sycophants called it Hindu rate of growth, I call it Nehru rate of growth. Imagine if had adopted capitalism/Manufacturing policies in 1950, we would have been an $11Tn economy, double that of China with a nominal growth rate of 6% only. This is the crime committed by welfare mongers of Nehru Family. Giving out things free instilled a sense of Godliness on them and Poor of this country got into a welfare trap.
The cost of Nehru/Sonia dynasty is $10Tn as of now.
Welfare robs people of their dignity, it puts them in perpetual fear,it reduces them to animals. I simply have nothing but contempt for doles.