Saturday, May 10, 2008

forever young

May the sun keeps on shining on you,
In all those cold cold climes
May the happiness always surround you
Whenever in the horizons, you see gloomy times
May the life showers all the good things
Even when you are without a dime
May you grow proud , dignified and true
And do unto others what you would have done to you
With every passing day
May you gain far more wisdom
Barter the wrinkles
For peace, happiness and song
Cos in my heart you will stay
forever young
May the moon be your guiding light
While the sun kisses your toes
May you find the edge of rainbow
With a prince of your dreams
May your love be reciprocated
It does not go vain
May you see the dance of raindrops
While he sings the songs of rainbow
Barter the wrinkles
For peace, happiness and song
Cos I bless you to be
Mother of a hundred sons.
Don’t worry through them
You will stay
forever young
Forever young

The title is borrowed from Bob Dylan as i could not find any better one. Anyway i love the song.It's amazing

Thursday, May 01, 2008


What is this phenomenon? Generating such emotions!!! One word and so much of feelings get related, sorry tied to it. The moment somebody mentions love, we react a different way. Looking closely, Is it really a different reaction? I find it very alike in some strange way.Another question is how come entire humanity starts behaving the same way? this leads to another question, Do we react in a similar way b'cos subconciously we know we are supposed to react this way. Whatever...

Some of my friends say that i refuse to talk about it. The ones who really know me would understand that this is really not true.If some one is capable to speak on the nuances of Love, It is me. First of all let me begin by setting the platform - Love is a verb. I have always seen love as a continuum, It relates. It is never ending and the relationships are the death knell. It is beautiful, It is music, natural, serene, pristine like the flowing river in tranqulity.Love in itself is the end. It is the river that is flowing and eventually becomes the sea, even bigger, never ending. Lovers die but love lives.This is what i mean by Love.

But to relate is insecure, and relationship is a security. Relationship has a certainty; relating is just a meeting of two strangers, may be a peice of wood and the stream. Wood dancing on the lap and enjoying every bit of it. May be just an overnight stay and in the morning we say goodbye. Who knows what is going to happen tomorrow? And we are so afraid that we want to make it certain, we want to make it predictable. We would like tomorrow to be according to our ideas; we don't allow it freedom to have its own say. This whole anxiety, the whole tension that runs through our lives is a result of our desires to control the future and somehow deep down our knowledge about the inability to do so.

So we do the next best thing( as per us), we try and secure the future. In the case of love we want to make it into a relationship, we get married. I have a question.why the hell you make it a legal contract. Why? How does the law come into love? you know what? The law comes into love because love is not there. It is only a fantasy, and you know the fantasy will disappear. Before it disappears settle down, before it disappears do something so it becomes impossible to separate.

So what does it mean? through Socrates Plato characterizes love as a desire to partake in the beautiful for the purpose of gaining happiness. Happiness? as per me it becomes a bloody impossible project and the end result is failure. The only hope is a better " meditative world ", I will add thoughtful to it. people will love, love immensely, but their love will remain a relating not a relationship. And I am not saying that their love will be only momentary. There is every possibility their love may go deeper than your love, may have a higher quality of intimacy, may have something more of poetry and more of godliness in it. And there is every possibility their love may last longer than your so-called relationship ever lasts. But it can not not be guaranteed by the law, by the court, by the policeman. The guarantee will be inner. It will be a commitment from the heart, it will be a silent accpetance of me and yes, 'You'.

If you like someone, I have delberately used the word 'Like',You would want to spend more time with him/her.The intimacy will grow by each meet. There are fruits that grow after long months of procss, buds,flowers and then fruits. there are few flowers that wither away after some weeks in the sun and then there are few which take years to blossom. The longer it takes, longer it has to be a commitment from one heart to another heart. It has not even to be verbalized, because to verbalize it is to profane it. It has to be a silent commitment; eye to eye, heart to heart, being to being. It has to be understood, not said.

when Sartre says, “I am the self which I will be, in the mode of not being it.”[2] As distance is created, the present self realizes its alienation from its past and its future self. This is the “nihilating structure of temporality.”[3] When the consciousness realizes this separation, it begins to understand that the freedom that it is becomes a burden of constant self-renewal. An anguish will exist over the relation of the past and future as it pertains to present existence.

Love is ageless, has no language and has just flows. will live long after 'The lover' is dead.Last but not the least, I sometimes start thinking that it is an impossible project, overhyped and looking for totality of being through the use of other.