Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Why VHP Bajrang dal must be defeated?

Everytime I write something on Islam, Christianity, 'Intellectuals' continue to try their best to put me in dock by suggesting that I am a Closet 'Hindutva vaadi'. I guess it's time for me to explain what Indic/Dharmic means to me and why it is important to oppose the Islamists, Missionaries & idiots like Shiv sena/Ram Sene or VHP.
I truly feel happy that modern day India and Indic paths are coming out of Islamic shadow (Some of you will say, "Again islamic") in very strong manner. One should understand those who stand for Hindutva in Modern Republic of India are themselves totally under Islamic influence, in terms of way of thinking. The basis of Indic Dharma is liberation, freedom of thought. The Ram-sene,Shiv Sena type of guys somehow are still struggling to come out of Islamic conditioning of right and wrong. The issue of women and sexuality, issue about goodness/badness of alcohol, issue about goodness/badness and importance of cow, issue about hussein's paintings, issue about modern western culture destroying Indic values which are typically taken up by Hindutva-vaadis, are not at all relevant relevant as they have no replacement to suggest.

But what are the values which are being destroyed under the juggernaut of globalization? More people drink alcohol, this is considered loss of Indic value system. But taboo of alcohol is primarily Islamic influence. Women are getting more flamboyant about their display of sexuality which is seen as loss of Indic value system. But, confinement of women and their desires and issues is primarily Islamic influence. More people becoming sceptics, questioning the authority of Sadhus and babas and gods, but free-rationalism is basic foundation stone of Indic path. Out of 6 classical Darshans of Indian philosophy, 5 are staunch atheist.

So, in a way, Indian youth is overthrowing the mantle of value-system which is infact arisen due to Islamic supremacy and returning back to free and liberal Indic fold of life; because that is the "Dharma" of Bhaarat. However they are doing it in contemporary manner. This in itself is one way towards that goal. I will reiterate what I have on many occassions. Indic memes cannot defeat Abrahamic memes by becoming to fundamentalist than them, since Islam is as specialized as you can get in monotheistic fundamentalism. India's strength is in diversity. I have infact written a note on Islam & bharat earlier talking about these very points. we must emancipate the women folk. Let her read, write, walk around and liberated. For she holds the key to civilsation. Till the early 1900's Nair women could have as many men as they wanted as their husbands, Wore minimalist clothes and managed the business.

Unleash the diversity of Indian meme-complex on abrahmic memes and they won't withstand the assault. Christ will end up as some avatar of Vishnu. Mohammad will end up as sai-baba or something similar. Allah will end up as 1001st name of Vishnu. However they try to maintain the separate identity, let us embrace them. They will dissolve. Actually Ismaelis have tried to do this. They portrayed Ali as an incarnation of Vishnu and Quran as Atharveda. Last time I had put a link but the resident preacher, 'The original' commented that I do a fine cut and paste job of putting links.

Such morons are dangerous as they have their own book to carry on their head. What I say is that we should drop all 'Knowledge'. See the world through our own eyes, beautiful, Fun and have no pretense in making money.

For all this to happen, we need the death of VHP & Ram sene types. The land of Dharma must assimilate all and let the free flow of ideas and opinions continue. We don't need religion, We need ideas..

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