Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dismantling the left liberal knee jerk reaction on Terror

Marxists/Leftists love to espouse the theory that terrorism is a result of poverty, deprivation or illiteracy. I piss on such obnoxious and blatantly false notions. I can cite many reasons against this theory as i believe it is the sighting of flying unicorns that has caused so many in-breeds to loose sanity and trigger bombs. what? you think I am not serious? 

Irrespective of religion, religious fervor seems to be directly related to prosperity or aspiration to prosperity. being stickler to religious edicts is very very expensive in modern day world. it is. bulk of rabid evangelists are prosperous enough to have a lot of free time to think about this nonsense and have the financial means to live the "biblical/quranic/vedic/bauddhic/oshoist lifestyle", as god prescribed. faking poverty, rusticity, simplicity etc., is big business, that has made those who can provide this illusion very rich. at a certain level of prosperity, showing off that you are living upto the standards of good old traditions of a religion is a status symbol. i've gadi. i've bangla. i've bhakti. but the underlying message invariably is - more importantly, i've the money to buy these.

As Wheelan, Charles says in Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the DataTerrorists are not desperately poor, or poorly educated. The author, Princeton economist Alan Krueger, concludes, “Terrorists tend to be drawn from well-educated, middle-class or high-income families.”  

Unless people are fully aware who their working gods are, people tend to idolize false gods - be it allah, jehovah, 'BooDa', or venkateshwara. Also want to point out, that some of these gods are sexier than others, 'BooDa' more than mahaveera, for example. any one who knows half as much will tell you that mahaveera and his descendants more closer to rationalism than booDa. allah and mohammad being the farthest from it all - much more rationalism and logic in village gods and neighbourhood shaamans than is there in islam. but must say, bulk of spirituality is all about the PR message not about spirituality itself. allah & mohammad & all the associated piety around them have nothing to do with spirituality imho.

In India one sees many Indian Muslims who are very pious, very orthodox. That in fact is creation of Islamic capital which harms the Kufr, the Hindus, much less, than when Muslims receive secular education and are brought up in a more liberal environment, because then these Muslims have no Islamic capital and the chances for them to turn radical are much higher. So those pleading for more secular education for the Muslim youth need to keep this into consideration.

It doesn't mean that all Muslims receiving secular education would turn radical. As long as the Muslim is not confronted with the pressures of Islamic society, and remains integrated in Kufr society, he would of course remain "a productive member of the Kufr society", but it is easy to get disillusioned considering the many ills that also affect Kufr society, and then there is no telling how radical the Muslim may turn once he discovers the mosque and introspection tells him how little Islamic capital he possesses.

In such a situation, the probability is high that the "introspecting" Muslim would shift the blame for his lack of Islamic capital onto the Kufr society of which he had been a part, and act vengefully towards it. Moreover the orthodox pious Muslim society has often been the preserve of the poor Ajlaf Muslims, and in his drive to earn Islamic capital quickly as well as his tendency to look at Islam more intellectually rather than spiritually or mystically, being educated and deracinated, the chances are also high that he would decide for the radical political Islam - hard Islamism, rather than simply piety.

As long as the currency used is piety, it does not hurt the Kufr, but under Islam, it is easy to try to earn Islamic currency in other ways, and if it is through showing dominance through means of conquering mind, human or geographic space belonging to the Kufr, then it does become a problem for Kufr.Conquering mind always has been an issue with Islam, unlike the X'tian missionaries who have developed a sophisticated modus operandi to seed in their thoughts by piggy backing modernity & secularism as their unique & sole gifts. 

My second hypothesis is that Terrorists come from Pakistan. They dont need to be educated or illiterate, rich or poor. Kasab for example was illiterate and poor. I am sure that his compatriots who were given their 72 by NSG were illiterate and poor too. The key difference between India and the west is that only rich and literate people get visas to western countries. If they shared a border with Pakistan, they would get poor and illiterate terrorists too -- like India and Afghanistan. If you purely base your data set on failed and successful terror attacks by :cough: abrahamic religion terrorists :cough: most probably they were immigrants. And most probably the immigrants were upper middle class with good education. And most probably second gen immigrants. Terrorists, "retire" by around 50 or so (less testosterone? less drive? short life expectancy?) so if you are a first gen immigrant who is poor, you probably have crossed 50 and it is left to your son to carry on your torch. A first gen immigrant below 40, is most probably a student and/or businessman who can travel freely and by definition is educated and/or reasonably well off.

ofcourse in pakistan, with its day to day vocab which glorifies heinous concepts like junoon, jasba, shahid, ghazi etc., the poison is more widely spread than other countries. most 'SDRE' (Short ,dark, rice eating Indians as Tall, fair & tight bummed Pakis like to call us) idiots, out of instinct, will tell you to keep a lid on your jasba, junnon, and on your baser instincts such as kaama, lobha, madha, maatsarya. well, in islamic nations particularly Pakistan you earn marks of significance for curbing your own common sense and acting on these exact instincts. this junnon and jasba in suppressing your own common sense and becoming a becoming a ghazi earns you the highest number of points possible.The "educated middle class terrorist" is a myth created due to immigration policies. Pakistan produces terrorists of all economic and educational backgrounds without any discrimination.

I have seen Hindus, Muslims or X'tians for whom god is not a decoration or a bragging right but an integral part of their rustic simple lives. but these guys are all piss poor and miserable. not destitute, but miserable and spartan by choice, and not by paying an architect or a designer to recreate it.

*Most of the literature is understanding of writings from Shardula, Anujan, Rajesh and Dr Shiv

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