Tuesday, November 27, 2007

wake up

It is funny that i am writing using these two words as the heading. Now a lot of people can argue that they are awake and very much aware and they dont need someone like me to tell them. However wake up we must, to the dangers of flawed development, education that is not able to provide living, communists, the greedy parliamentarians.democracy is in peril and we are in danger of becoming a banana republic.
I am horrified to read the reports that that we have naxalites in 150 disticts of the country. How did this happen? they were only present in 43 districts a decade back. The brazenness, lack of knowledge, education and arrogance of politicians or the flawed development. Watching news has become a heart wrenching episode - landless marching to the capital to demand their rights on the land, Governemt does not even have the time to speak to them. 100's of thousands marched, hungry and tired.
yesterday the ' Adivasis' are beaten on the streets of Guwahati,police is watching. I am ashamed to be called an Indian.What was the freedom for? did the freedom happen for these guys. They should have the first right on the land ( forest) their forefathers have lived for centuries.
I have a question? Can we sleep easy after watching all this? Why patriotism has become the baby of the lower class? Why none of these politicians send their kids to army anymore? why we become patriotic in times of war only? Is helping shape the future of fellow indians not our duty? Till when we continue to wait for a leader instead of these demi gods? Till when we wait for the government to do everything?
Are we questioning enough? Are we filing enough applications through RTI? Are we doing enough?
Service chiefs are scanned on the airports and these louts( MP and ministers) are exempted! Service chiefs are good enough to save the country but not good to be trusted that they wont carry bombs on flights on the other hand our ministers are allowed freedom to carry their illgotten wealthe on flights without check.There is a genocide in Nandigram and perpetuated by the so called left intellectuals.policeis ordered to standon the periphery and watch scores of Communist bastards roaming with their guns and sticks and raping woman.wake up and do your bit.
We are tax payers and we have every right to find whatis happening to the surcharge i pay on petrol,for education , for roads.
Are you awake? if not, then Wake up !!!

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