Friday, February 08, 2008

Thank you Raj Bhaiyya... ooops ' BHAI'

It is getting funnier and baffling by the day. It is indeed shameful and hurtful to see a handful of louts holding the fabric of the country to ransom. The case in point is the stupidity being played on the streets of Mumbai. I am slowly coming around to the view that we have failed miserably as a nation state. Add to that I am really feeling bad for the great man whose 60th death anniversary we was supposed to remind us that we need to conquer the demons of our heart.

I think his relevance finished on the day India got independence. In a way we killed him that very day when the country got divided and Nehru and company killed whatever remained of his ideals when they cornered the Teen murti bhavan and Rashtrapati bhavan for themselves. We, basically have failed to become civilized humans and remain a barbaric and violent race at the end of the day. Ready to kill and ready to do anything for short term gains. Looking at the reaction of our own brethren in Mumbai, I see no reason why the Europeans or American reacting and moaning the lack of opportunities for natives.

In fact I laud them for being civilized and decent enough not to resort to this kind of madness. What to say about the role of the serving party( I hate to call them ruling party, They are elected to serve me and I pay their salaries). The home minister belongs to this state , He is the lousiest home minister in the history of this country- spineless and incapable.

What to say about the good doctor? Well, How does he sleep so well? Reluctantly though, I agree with BJP here that he is our own Lame duck PM. He has failed on every front – No major economic reform, No infrastructure project , No movement on the higher education front and internal security has been compromised so many times that I have lost count. Any Tom- dick harry can issue a fatwa, hit a woman and call for the head of Salman Rushdie.

I guess it’s time for me stop being sentimental and look at the reality. I am an alien in the very land my forefather’s shed blood for. Good, my own old man died in 1997, other wise he would written one more emotional letter to PM and would have died more dejected than he actually did. Time for me to get the citizenship of the country I Live in… atleast the hurt will be less, In case someone calls me ‘ paki’ or a ‘ Bloody Indian’.

I can really empathise with my brethren from north-east of India better. I ,now understand the pain of being an alien in one’s own country, the pain of being called a ‘Chinky’ or a Harry or a ‘Bhaiyya’. This is happening in a country where you can find people of all origins – Shaka , Huna, Mongol, Aryan, Afrikaners and jarawas. Thank you Raj ‘ Bhaiyya’ for making me realsie how alien I am …

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