Monday, July 18, 2011

Plus ça change plus ça reste la même

Yellow Mustard flowers
Under the azure blue sky
the breeze was gentle red
and the winter was pink
was the day my poetry died

Pain drenched sky,
shedding tears,
drenching my soul.
Aloneness,u made nest in heart,
need not fly.
U introduced me to myself.

Roadside cafes, food stalls
Lovers roam, night crawls.
Dark lane, sharp pain,
Saints march, dim flame.

Secluded park, anxious heart,
Chafed lips, tear sips
Poet lives, love dies,
Turn of fate, roll of dice.
Sesame seeds, Palm beach,

Red glow, dark cave,
Father in heaven,
why do I crave?
Undefiled dreams,
mountain streams, road is dark
Amy departs, choices stark
Life stalls, night crawls

More it changes, More it remains the same

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