Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Paris Diaries - Day 5 (Gluttony)

The ride back from La defence was good. Reached Robespierre and then got a call from a friend to come and join him for a night out . I agreed, wanted to see the night life of Paris. Well guys , sorry to disappoint but we went to a place full of artists and musicians. I ordered orange juice and my friend and another lady who accompanied us ordered some fruit punch. Came back around 1.30 and spoke about the importance of religion in the immigrant community on the way.

Next day was reserved for savouring the French food. Took the train again and changed at Repunblique, or into RER(A) and gt down at Bastille . Coming out of the station Is a beautiful pillar with figure of an angel sitting atop.I was joined by my host for the first day and We walked across the road and towards the Garden of Some kings and it's called Vogt or something like that.

I had Pasta and no food for the host (Ramadan) . Well the pasta you get here is different than the one in India and far far more expensive -€15. We came out and then walked around towards the Bastille. Enroute we saw the REX theatre and I was reminded of namesake in Mumbai & Delhi. They have a theatre tour and charge €15 to show th whole process, including movie making and running. We wound up early and I headed back to the room.

Evening I went out with the hst for dinner and one of the famous cafes near Nation. We talked about life in general, political leanings and meaning of God to religion, even discussed the Quran and it's contents openly.

Came back and slept. Next day I was to leave for Amsterdam.i kept on thinking what was my understanding of French people? One thing I must say , they understand that rule of law is paramount and they are have not come to terms with harmony thus seeking homogeneity in populace. Won't work in the long run. mmigrants continue to grow in population but the silver lining for hauls is that the new couples have all babies.

So what is driving the Gauls to have more babies?  may be worsening economic conditions and jobs becoming scarce. The first casualty of such situations are women in jobs thus leading them to stay home. May be marry and have babies. sure this will have an impact on life style of families but the babies are to be seen. Youngish, 3-4 years old and all couple seems to have 2 of them. French are also cutting down on dole for large families. Immigrants will be affected. French though seems to have an aversion of menial jobs,which are done by blacks, browns & yellow races.

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