Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Islam & the rebels of modern era

System has had the ability to appeal to wide array of people i.e. Dysfunctional, louts, thugs, rebels or the idiots. That has largely been possible due to the Preachers picking and choosing to highlight only one part of text from 'The Book. Nobody has the ability in their life time to go through the book and add to the difficulty of it being written only in Classical arabic. Thera re hardly 5 scholars of classical Arabic left in the whole world. More than anything, it has bred so many myths, conspiracies around the successes, swept under the carpet its failures or the design default that makes people surrender their mind. 

Its ability to justify violence on Kufra or unbelievers along with its ability to force them into Dhimmi status & their justification can be simply understood by Islam's ability to inflict pain. Once converted, the new breed perpetrates even more violence on ther former tribe as a revenge for not defending them against the scourge and leaving them helpless thus to conversion.

The psychological violence that the average Western woman goes through in terms of her sexual objectification is bound to create a reaction at some point. The peer pressure to lose one's virginity by freshman year in college, the prevalence of date-rape on college campuses (usually not provable in court because of prior consumption of alcohol), etc. is horrendous, and I've known more than one who reddened or even went lachrymose on the recount. Many women converts are those who want to simply avoid all this horrendous nonsense and love the chivalrous values and treatment. Another section of converts are older women who have been through it all, lived through a highly promiscuous period of their lives, and rejected it because ultimately they found that the men in that culture are incapable of devoted responsibility.

But in the big picture, Islamic missionary activity in the West has a different selling point depending on which demographic is being targeted. Islam is everything to all people, it is the panacea that plugs all holes - Islam usually sells itself as a solid means to a desired reality, and in limited cases it flashes a mystique that caters to a curiosity about reality (Sufism).

In prisons it is one thing - sense of victimhood and rebellion, a new brotherhood in and outside prison, identification with the slaves who were some of the Prophet's (pbuh) earliest followers, a second chance to repent one's wrongdoings and weaknesses and be in society again - but importantly, to dedicate oneself to changing and converting it by picking a much bigger fight on a global and cosmic scale than anything one has ever gotten into before.

Among Left Liberals Islam is another thing - claim of egalitarianism as demonstrated in praying together (over a wide diversity of colorful races), a victim of Zionist oppression and its main challenger like David and Goliath, victim of Orientalist prejudice that is all wrong as touted by Edward Said, medieval cause of Europe's own renaissance, a seductive culture of eloquence and mysticism about alternate reality that puts Morocco and other places on the hippie's map, a jurisprudence that offers new ways of thinking about old social and economic institutions, etc.

And among Conservatism-seeking types it is another thing - no-compromise attitude, tough love, quick justice, fundamental caveman values, control of women and sexuality, strict old-fashioned values but in a more 'balanced' way than medieval Christianity and one that seems to encompass and rein in many decadent modern tendencies (e.g. Moslem women dress like nuns but don't have to actually live the 'unnatural' life of a nun, celibacy is not institutionalized whereas polyamoury is brought within the purview of 'marriage', etc.), co-existence of races but offering the White West the mantle of political leadership of global Islamism just as the Turks won that mantle by adopting it, anti-Jewish sentiment, conspiracy theories and end-of-time Prophecies about 2nd coming of Christ (which Islam elaborately discusses via Mahdi'ism), and very importantly a palliative for white guilt about slavery and colonialism that is rubbed in by Left Liberals but which can be easily justified by Islamic jurisprudence and theology, etc.

Thus one can see that it appeals to one segment with one idea and appeals to another segment with a directly opposed idea - and it justifies this by saying it is a "balance" between the two. This is a very specious argument that can appear very convincing. Indeed it is true that Islam does contain dipoles between which one can argue and position oneself based on "taqwa" (conservative adherence) and "rukhsat" (liberal leave), but the intrinsic permutation between these opposites and the undercurrent between them is what is really interesting. But most people can't yet see or understand that philosophically or even experientially. With women converts to Islam also (or women born into Moslem families trying to reconcile with modernity) it is the same case.

To be concluded...

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