Thursday, August 09, 2012

Amsterdam (Sin city) here I come

I started off a bit early from Robespierre to Gre du Nord. Had booked on the train. The timing of the train was 12.45 but I made it to the station by 11.20. Considering I am a little nervous while travelling in alien lands, i try and make it earlier.

The train station was crowded and the display board was high up, visible with trains clearly mentioned as per numbers and platforms. I was on 9339 to Amsterdam central. Started at the right time. The coach attendant saw the ticket and let me in. Seat number 72 , on the window side. Very comfortable seats and the coaches had free wi-fi.  There was a Chinese lady besides me, busy of her IPhone plaing some game.

The tran started and rushed though the European countryside. One thing very disappointing is that the entire European countryside looks exactly the same. Same small villages, large fields and some electric station along with some and turbine for electricity. Saw corn crop and barley too. On the route, we crossed, Brussels, Antwerp and rotterdam . In some 2.10 hrs we were in Amsterdam after crossing one country in between. God knows the speed of train.

Amsterdam , on first look was cold, dull and full of tourists. I struggled to see signages leading to tourist information centre. Finally I caught hold of someone at a counter and she guided me outside the station. There  lady advised me to take a number 51 from metro station. I looked at the route and hopped in Tram number 4 going to Rai.

To my surprise, I saw an Indian origin, blue eyed conductor giving tickets - €2.7 fixed from anywhere to anywhere. We chatted and he was proud of his Hindu heritage, I invited him over for coffee post his shift . I reached my accommodation in just about 10 mins, the tram haltd every 30 secs. It was then I realised how small a city Amsterdam is. I checked in and it was already 4.00 PM. Freshened up and took a walk around. Came back to get some yogurt etc.

Had a meal, slept for few hours and went out around 11.00 PM again. Roamed endlessly for a few hrs . First impression , beautiful women, in shape, lots of canals, Dutch people like to work things with hands and proud of it. Off course the obsession with bicycles is well known and much advertised. I did not see a single Dutch with a pot belly. Women rarely do full time jobs, they are family oriented

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