Tuesday, December 23, 2008

'W' fare thee well, Brave son of America

Jews,Gentiles,Moslems,Gays, Kikes,Liberals, Not so liberals, Chinese, Latinos, friends, Indians,Countrymen. I come here to bury the legacy of 'W' not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones, So let it be with George w bush junior. The noble clergy of the peaceful religion of islam that stands by our side along with the liberals, Intellectuals, commies have told you that he has been the worst president ever, thrusted the world into a tailspin, started 2 deeply unpopular and unnecessary wars. I just support them by saying, if it were so, it was a grievous fault and rightly he must pay for it.

Here under the mighty shadows of Barak hussein obama, his so called legacy lies tattered. The new saviour has arrived, he will take the world to a glorious new path and in case 'W' has erred he has paid, shoes being thrown at him by an intellectual. These are all honourable men. European leaders included. I am writing this peace an obituary to the legacy of 'W' and not for any purpose praying him but there are few things that need to be said as his ills must come out before he dies.

Have you ever thought that at some level we need to sing a paean of praise to the fortitude and moral courage that has been shown by George W. Bush in this time of terror and war. 'W' is vilified and despised for confronting terrorists in the only terms they understand.

He has faced every ridicule , jeer,snub yet he held on to his moral conviction of taking the fight to the terrorists. Today , people may argue thet the war on Iraq was purely for satisfying american greed for oil. So what. That always had been long term american goal - to secure sources of energy. 'W' had been the only US president in recent history who made a determined attempt to get rid of Us dependence on saudi Oil. Saudi arabia has been using those petro dollars to

1- Buy out corporate America. as of today saudi investment in US economy is close to 1 trillion or 9% of American economy.
2- Fund the terror schools preaching wahabi islamic laws and curbing the deobandis/barielvis.

Unfortunately the Europeans( they are the best example of Pseudo-intellectuals cowards, appeasing radical islam the way they were appeasing Hitler before wwii) or even the Indians( who are worst sufferers of this wahabi onslaught due to massive saudi funding to Pukistan) lost ehir nerve and left the warrior alone. I am surprised what has happened to the old brahmanical minds(creators of vedas/Arthshastra etc) and the knowledge of the great Indic civilisation that we are standing by the sides of radical elements. Inspite of all this?

George bush had the courage to call the bluff of radical islam and he set out to contain them. Today Al Qaida is a virtual non entity while in clinton's time Osama was busy giving press interviews. Now he is afraid for his life and fears the predator drone with hellfire missiles and already shitting in his pants hiding in some mountains while the Pukis are being whored by the Pathans in FATA. saudi Money created these so called Taleban and Terrorist state of Pukistan provided them arms and training. Thanks to 'W' they are busy killing each other. Till the time they continue to kill each other we are relatively safer b'cos the intellectuals of this country are in a shameless race to be seen as liberals and in order to assert their 'SECULAR' credentials they need to shout more than the muslim radicals against 'W' and his policies. I feel secure little bit not b.cos of any other thing but in the notion that a lone ranger called America is ploughng along n the neighborhood plummeting pukis everyday.

Bush understood that there is no moral equivalence between a free society -- in which people sometimes make the wrong choices -- and a criminal sect bent on destruction. The former must be cherished even in its moments of folly; the latter must be hounded to the gates of Hell. He has done exactly so and I am certain that Barak no-bama will continue the same policies, incase he is as intelligent as he is made out to be.

As far as India is concerned, 'W' had been the best president ever and that's what all matters- pure self interest. he gave unflinching support to India and created a never imagined hole in NPT to accommodate India along with the weapons and publicly rebuked TSP. He understood that there is no use fighting China as of now and discouraged Taiwan to declare independence 2 times. The more urgent threat is radical islam and it needs to be contained. Obama has already declared that he will continue to put more troops in Afghanistan. No doubt, American troops in our neighborhood is dangerous as it is our backyard as they are here only for their self interest but we must let it play on as it suits our purpose.

I have some questions though.Why is it then that all our leftists (Dhoti roy, Burkha dutt, pronoy roy, Prakash Karat, Nandita sen types feel free to voice their opinions direct and that too at the top of their voices( Secular media publishes their articles easily) , whereas conservatives have to put on a mask in order to speak what they know to be the truth? Why is it, indeed, that the conservative values that safeguard our way of life,defense -- values like morality, faith, self-sacrifice and the nobility of fighting for the right can not find a platform to even put across our point.

'W' to a large extent stood for the qualities i just summarized and as it happens always, he is villified.Doing what's right is hard, and speaking the truth is dangerous. Many have been abhorred for it, some killed, one crucified.

Tell me who does not know that freedom is better than slavery, that love is better than hate, kindness better than cruelty, tolerance better than bigotry and individual choice is a birthright. However, "The true complexity arises when we must defend these values in a world that does not universally embrace them -- when we reach the place where we must be intolerant in order to defend tolerance, or unkind in order to defend kindness, or hateful in order to defend what we love".

When heroes arise who take those difficult duties on themselves, it is tempting for the rest of us to turn our backs on them, to vilify them in order to protect our own appearance of righteousness. We prosecute and execrate the violent soldier or the cruel interrogator in order to parade ourselves as paragons of the peaceful values they preserve. When the same marauders kill our soldiers we never talk about human rights and the future of the family of befallen soldier.

Even more 'bizarre' is the arguement that i hear on TV nowdays espoused by so called defence/strategy experts -"Stable pakistan is in our interest" . All right. so that they continue to send these marauders to kill us. People have not read any history, All the invaders to this land have come through Khyber pass for 2000 years and it is high time we must ensure that they are stopped right there. Another bizarre argument is that people of pakistan must be spared. have anyone ever been to Pukistan? if Porkis love us then how do Porki army find all these terrorists every time to blast bombs in india? Nations are made of people. The clarity of thought and vision of 'W' stands out as stark contrast to the timid Indian leadership and i repeat what Gandihji said, "Coward Hindu intellectuals"

Fare thee well , brave son of America. May god bless you and thank you for all the lessons on moral courage you taught people of my ilk. Leave everything to history and I am certain you will be counted as one of the greats of modern era. I salute you

I do understand that sometimes we need to kill in order to preserve and that that has been the norm of civilisations. Only the courageous and brave will survive,

"Cowards die many a time before their death, valiant never taste of death but once"

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Idea called India!! Who are the keepers?

Whenever I watch any news, I see outraged faces, some numb, others shouting profanities against the politicians. I can understand the anger, gone through it lot of times but it is time for calm head and ask some relevant questions. Well they are small yet profound.
1. How did it come to this? The nation with the sinews of steel and Vedanta for wisdom suddenly turns chicken in the past 5 years. Why? We have fought Christian insurgency in North east, Fought Hindu(ULFA) insurgency again in North east, Sikh insurgency in Punjab and exported insurgency in kashmir. Suddenly what happened.
I think the answer lies in the victory of BJP in 1998-99.With their victory and the fear mongering of the congress and Pseudo-secular media along with the communists Indian muslims got really insecure as they have always been voting en-mass for congress as an alternative to RSS Politics. Moreover with the introduction of laws like POTA, a huge hue and cry was raised regarding their misuse and this further alleviated muslim fears. To the shock of many, congress came back to power in 2004, which they themselves could not believe and thus started the demise of idea called India. They were worried by the defection of their traditional vote bank and to get it back they repealed POTA and rendered the state toothless wherein their own state government in Maharashtra continues to use a law that is replica. Result - 4000 deaths in 4 years in blasts and no convictions while we feed the culprits with tax payer money.

2. What re our intelligence agencies doing? They are supposed to be one of the best? They were created by the hard work of 'The sardar' who refused to divide it with Pukistan. They are supposed to be guarding this Idea called India, what happened and why is so much of turf war going on? ,/b>
To understand we need to go back in 1966. A worried Indira Gandhi calls up the IB chief and askd him to track the whole sale food grain prices in the country as she is worried that inflation may cost her elections. Cut to MMS and 'The Incompetent'. Shivraj 'The incompetent ' patil wants to know what article is getting published about him n tomorrows news papers. he calls up the IB chief to send men to spy. Who is guarding India? some 14% officers only. so who will analyse the sea of data generated?Sorry, Ramvilas paswan wnats to know the chances of Mayawati in his state of bihar but off course - IB has to find the answers. Complete political subjugation.
Raw has become a joke, so no comments.

3. Why is government in a denial mode about local complicity?
Again, we have to go back to 1947 in the Era of Sardar. he has just withdrawn his name after 'bapu' asks him to do so even if congress men elected him the leader 12 votes to Sardar vs 0 for Nehru.
There is a cabinet meeting going on after a few weeks. Nehru walks in and says " Vallabh Jawahar bhai Patel, Why are the properties evacuated by muslims not going to muslims only? This is my order and I am the prime minster." Sardar listens and says, " This country belongs to all, There are hindus and sikhs too who have lost properties in now pakistan land, they have a first right on this. Moreover , I don't want to make many small pakistans on this land. Population must stay mixed." Result Nehru complaints to Gandhiji who refuses to interfere after Sardar tells him that Local muslims are attacking Indian officials in Aligarh and Junagarh and he will not see symbols of state representing people's power being attacked like this.
Then was that 'sardar' and there is this! Thoo !!! what pity my motherland?

4. What can be done now? How do we win this war that is being fought for 26 years? Why does not Sonia and her bandicoots bring back POTA under any name? what other solution

There is only one way to fight terror. As KPS Gill puts it , " You can never out run them, you just have to take out eye for an eye. Infact 2 eyes for one and every one of your teeth , take out their whole jaw along with their parents." I have always said that Terror can only be fought with greater terror. How do we do it? Bring back POTA but UPA can't do it as they are looking at muslim votes . Moreover they have been opposing it for past 5 years now if they get it back they will have to admit their mistake. They are going in knots and so is the country.

Second thing urgently -please put all these Bhai- Bhai idiots in Jail, specially the Kuldip nayyar types who continue to burn candles. They have made the state complacent. I remeber , how the cops who gave punjab back to India died fighting human rights cases and in penury. These Dhoti roy and barkha dutt types should be put behind bars and executed. These people are dangerous along with the whole gang of Pronoy, Rajdeep, Vikram and others along with these NGO's. Let me tell you , fighting terror is dirt business, if you harrase the fighter like this, you are condemned as a nation to die like this. complete immunity.

Please bring POTA back and appoint fast track courts for speedy justice and free the IB and put under the supervision of this court.

5. Why so much of hue and cry this time

This answer is that for the first time the rich and mighty have been affected directly. How shamefull it is to see Channels talking about Taj Hotel as if it was mahatma gandhi's Samadhi. They have completely forgotten CST. Why? It 's because their advertisers don't travel by trains, they dine in luxury hotels. There was a bomb blast in Assam yerterday, 5 people killed. how many people talked about it, none. How many people have died in the carnage at jaipur, delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai trains before? where were these Channels? The answer is, there is no value of to the life of 'Stupid common Men'. After he elects a govt he himself just becomes a number. This common men whose forefathers fought for this nation(While most of today's elite were busy licking Brit balls except for Birla, Bajaj Modis and few others) and holds the ideals of this country together has just become a number.

This common men who teaches their children to join the forces and love the country more than their own life. This common men whose son's and daughter are fighting to save this idea called India on the icy peaks of Himalayas , deserts of Rajasthan, Jungles of Mizoram, waters of Cochin does not even know if he will come back home, safe in the evening. He is still doing it because he still have faith in the wisdom and knowledge of his Elite brethren who got educated in the colleges subsidised by his income. faith, that his brethren will create a just society where he will have his share on resources.

His offsprings are being denied the basics - a meagre raise of Rs1400 per month for jawans while we give 3 crores to one Olympic shooter.The politicians he elected to serve him have become the masters and the new rulers. They fly around in the planes bought by his tax money while he is dying on railway platforms. He keeps on struggling for his pension, job after his retirement at age 35, food, education for kids. You name it. Stiil, He has faith but now he is loosing patience and his dreams are watching this fallacy of democracy narrowly.

India, is badly let down by the educated. They abdicated their responsibility so that they can continue their hold on resources and exploit them. The people who owe 100's of crores in debt to public sector banks but dine and wine in Taj and Oberoi, who are giving qoutes and are planning to flee the country to UK/ US. This stupid common men can not even reach his home.

There was a 'Sardar' who created nation out of 565 riyasats and then we have this Sardar.

Who are the keepers of idea called India?