Sunday, June 07, 2009

Year of 75

That time of the year,
when the figure changes,
when I see new sprouts around the ear,
has come again.
come again with the collage ,
Let me open the trunk.
memories, beautiful, ugly, breathtaking,
Heartbreaking, joyrides, painful & bountiful.
Since i have come in the 30's ranges,
I can hardly remember I used to be a punk,
"Move on man",
Yes i will.
Searches at the twillight,
Once again , I am robbed in exile,
Emeralds, cut glasses, scandals,
Video tapes & lies,
Cut them out.
I want to drink the arabian sea,
piss it on the candles,
Don't feel like blowing them off,
may not have too much of breath,
I am left breathless,
Frozen heart,
cold start,
warm summer night,
from the endless mush,
I wanna see respite.
kalyan, I wanna be the night hawk,
cold but not sullen.
I wanna make myself invisible,
Though I know how to make myself gigantic,
Do not know how to turn small.
Too many many memories of yore,
I forgot,
I turn thirty four.
"You are not sincere,You are a mistake that's not dear",
It lends credence to my fears,
Spinach, Garlic, food and loads of lies,
This is how time flies.
will sleep on the beach this time,
Moon will turn into a woman's face,
Will say the grace,
Eat some paav ,
come home and stare through the night,
from this pain
I may get some respite.
Time to shut the door
as I turn thirty four.