Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Government, Banker & the CON GAMES

Imagine you are in command or a ruler of a state, defined as an institution that possesses a territorial monopoly of ultimate decision making in every case of conflict, including conflicts involving the state and its agents itself, and, by implication, the right to tax, i.e., to unilaterally determine the price that your subjects must pay you to perform the task of ultimate decision making.

To act under these constraints — or rather, lack of constraints — is what constitutes politics and political action, and it should be clear from the outset that politics, then, by its very nature, always means mischief. Not from your point of view, of course, but mischief from the point of view of those subject to your rule as ultimate judge. Predictably, you will use your position to enrich yourself at other people's expense.

What if you are in command of a territory, sate in a way that you possess a monopoly on decisions and that monopoly you have accorded yourself under the name of the very people you claim to represent and serve.

More specifically, we can predict in particular what your attitude and policy vis-à-vis money and banking will be.

Another set of assumption has to be that the territory that you rule has developed beyond the primitive agrarian/Barter economy with means modern means available to hoard your produce or as medium of exchange, i.e money. At the onset or a basic level it is fairly simple to understand why you would interested in money and wealth. As a ruler, you can confiscate anything or everything you want and take in an unearned income for the little you do for the populace in return. In case you are smart, you would refrain from confiscating the producers of income or goods while you can confiscate money. Money, as you understand is the most liquid, widely acceptable good of all, allows you the greatest freedom to spend this wealth as you like. I t additionally has no constraint on the variety of goods. First and foremost, then, the taxes you impose on society will be money taxes, whether on property or income. You will want to maximize your money-tax revenues.

In this attempt, however, you will quickly encounter some rather intractable difficulties. Eventually, your attempts to further increase your tax income will encounter resistance in that higher tax rates will not lead to higher but to lower tax revenue. Your income — your spending money — declines, because producers, burdened with increasingly higher tax rates, simply produce less.

In this situation, you only have one other option to further increase or at least maintain your current level of spending: by borrowing such funds. And for that you must go to banks — and hence your special interest also in banks and the banking industry. If you borrow money from banks, these banks will automatically take an active interest in your future well-being. They will want you to stay in business, i.e., they want the state to go on in its exploitation business. And since banks tend to be major players in society, such support is certainly beneficial to you. On the other hand, as a negative, if you borrow money from banks you are not only expected to pay your loan back, but to pay interest on top.

The question, then, that arises for you as the ruler is, How can I free myself of these two constraints, i.e., of tax-resistance in the form of falling tax revenue and of the need to borrow from and pay interest to banks?

It is not too difficult to see what the ultimate solution to your problem is.

You can reach the desired independence of taxpayers and tax payments and of banks, if only you establish yourself first as a territorial monopolist of the production of money. On your territory, only you are permitted to produce money. But that is not sufficient. Because as long as money is a regular good that must be expensively produced, there is nothing in it for you except expenses. More importantly, then, you must use your monopoly position in order to lower the production cost and the quality of money as close as possible to zero. Instead of costly quality money such as gold or silver, you must see to it that worthless pieces of paper that can be produced at practically zero cost will become money. (Normally, no one would accept worthless pieces of paper as payment for anything. Pieces of paper are acceptable as payment only insofar as they are titles to something else, i.e., property titles. In other words then, you must replace pieces of paper that were titles to money with pieces of paper that are titles to nothing.)

Under competitive conditions, i.e., if everyone were free to produce money, a money that can be produced at almost zero cost would be produced up to a quantity where marginal revenue equals marginal cost, and because marginal cost is zero the marginal revenue, i.e., the purchasing power of this money, would be zero as well. Hence, the necessity to monopolize the production of paper money, so as to restrict its supply, in order to avoid hyperinflationary conditions and the disappearance of money from the market altogether (and a flight into "real values") — and the more so the cheaper the money commodity.

In a way, you have thus accomplished what all alchemists and their sponsors wanted to achieve: you have produced something valuable (money with purchasing power) out of something practically worthless. What an achievement. It costs you practically nothing and you can turn around and buy yourself something really valuable, such as a house or a Mercedes; and you can achieve these wonders not just for yourself but also for your friends and acquaintances, of which you discover that you have all of a sudden far more than you used to have (including many economists, who explain why your monopoly is really good for everyone).

What are the effects? First and foremost, more paper money does not in the slightest affect the quantity or quality of all other, nonmonetary goods. There exist just as many other goods around as before. This immediately refutes the notion — apparently held by most if not all mainstream economists — that "more" money can somehow increase "social wealth." To believe this, as everyone proposing a so-called easy-money policy as an efficient and "socially responsible" way out of economic troubles apparently does, is to believe in magic: that stones — or rather paper — can be turned into bread.

Rather, what the additional money you printed will affect is twofold. On the one hand, money prices will be higher than they would otherwise be, and the purchasing power per unit of money will be lower. In a word, the result will be inflation. More importantly, however, all the while the greater amount of money does not increase (or decrease) the total amount of presently existing social wealth (the total quantity of all goods in society), it redistributes the existing wealth in favor of you and your friends and acquaintances, i.e., those who get your money first. You and your friends are relatively enriched (own a larger part of the total social wealth) at the expense of impoverishing others (who as a result own less).

The problem, for you and your friends, with this institutional setup is not that it doesn't work. It works perfectly, always to your own (and your friends') advantage and always at the expense of others. All you have to do is to avoid hyperinflation. For in that case people would avoid using money and flee into real values, thus robbing you of your magic wand. The problem with your paper-money monopoly, if there is one at all, is only that this fact will be immediately noticed also by others and recognized as the big, criminal rip-off that it indeed is.

But this problem can be overcome, too, if, in addition to monopolizing the production of money, you also set yourself up as a banker and enter the banking business with the establishment of a central bank.

Because you can create paper money out of thin air, you can also create credit out of thin air. In fact, because you can create credit out of nothing (without any savings on your part), you can offer loans at cheaper rates than anyone else, even at an interest rate as low as zero (or even at a negative rate). With this ability, not only is your former dependency on banks and the banking industry eliminated; you can, moreover, make banks dependent on you, and you can forge a permanent alliance and complicity between banks and state. You don't even have to become involved in the business of investing the credit yourself. That task, and the risk involved in it, you can safely leave to commercial banks. What you, your central bank, need to do is only this: You create credit out of thin air and then loan this money, at below-market interest rates, to commercial banks. Instead of you paying interest to banks, banks now pay interest to you. And the banks in turn loan out your newly created easy credit to their business friends at somewhat higher but still submarket interest rates (to earn from the interest differential). In addition, to make the banks especially keen on working with you, you may permit the banks to create a certain amount of their own new credit (of checkbook money) in addition and on top of the credit that you have created (fractional-reserve banking).

What are the consequences of this monetary policy? To a large extent they are the same as with an easy money policy: First, an easy credit policy is also inflationary. More money is brought into circulation and prices will be higher, and the purchasing power of money lower, than would have been the case otherwise. Second, the credit expansion too has no effect on the quantity or quality of all goods currently in existence. It neither increases nor decreases their amount. More money is just this: more paper. It does not and cannot increase social wealth by one iota. Third, easy credit also engenders a systematic redistribution of social wealth in favor of you, the central bank, and the commercial banks within your cartel. You receive an interest return on money that you have created at practically zero cost out of thin air (instead of on money costly saved out of an existing income), and so do the banks, who earn additional interest on your costless money loans. Both you and your banker friends thereby appropriate an "unearned income." You and the banks are enriched at the expense of all "real" money savers (who receive a lower interest return than they otherwise would, i.e., without the injection of your and the banks' cheap credit into the credit market).

On the other hand, there also exists a fundamental difference between an easy, print-and-spend money policy and an easy, print-and-loan credit policy.

First off, an easy credit policy alters the production structure — what is produced and by whom — in a highly significant way.

You, the chief of the central bank, can create credit out of thin air. You do not have to first save money out of your money income, i.e., cut your own expenses, and thus abstain from buying certain nonmoney goods (as every normal person must, if he extends credit to someone). You only have to turn on the printing press and can thus undercut any interest rate demanded of borrowers by savers elsewhere in the market. Granting credit does not involve any sacrifice on your part (which is why this institution is so "nice"). If things then go well, you will be paid a positive-interest return on your paper investment, and if they don't go well — well, as the monopoly producer of money, you can always make up losses more easily than anyone else: by covering your losses with even more printed paper.

Without costs and no genuine, personal risk of losses, then, you can grant credit essentially indiscriminately, to everyone and for any purpose, without concern for the creditworthiness of the debtor or the soundness of his business plan. Because of your "easy" credit, certain people (in particular investment bankers) who otherwise would not be deemed sufficiently creditworthy, and certain projects (in particular of banks and their main clients) that would not be considered profitable but wasteful or too risky instead do get credit and do get funded.

Essentially, the same applies to the commercial banks within your banking cartel. Because of their special relationship to you, as the first recipients of your costless low-interest paper-money credit, the banks, too, can offer loans to prospective lenders at interest rates below market interest rates — and if things go well for them they go well; and if they don't, they can rely on you, as the monopolistic producer of money, to bail them out in the same way as you bail yourself out of any financial trouble: by more paper money. Accordingly, the banks too will be less discriminating in the selection of their clients and their business plans and more prone to funding the "wrong" people and the "wrong" projects.

And there is a second significant difference between a print-and-spend and a print-and-loan policy and this difference explains why the income and wealth redistribution in your and your banker friends' favor that is set in motion by easy credit takes the specific form of a temporal — boom-bust — cycle, i.e., of an initial phase of seeming general prosperity (of expected increases in future incomes and wealth) followed by a phase of widespread impoverishment (when the prosperity of the boom period is revealed as a widespread illusion).

This boom-bust feature is the logical — and physically necessary — consequence of credit created out of thin air, of credit unbacked by savings, of fiduciary credit (or however else you may call it) and of the fact that every investment takes time and only shows later on, at some time in the future, whether it is successful or not.

The reason for the business cycle is as elementary as it is fundamental. Robinson Crusoe can give a loan of fish (which he has not consumed) to Friday. Friday can convert these savings into a fishing net (he can eat the fish while constructing the net), and with the help of the net, then, Friday, in principle, is capable of repaying his loan to Robinson, plus interest, and still earn a profit of additional fish for himself. But this is physically impossible if Robinson's loan is only a paper note, denominated in fish, but unbacked by real-fish savings, i.e., if Robinson has no fish because he has consumed them all.

Then, and necessarily so, Friday must fail in his investment endeavor. In a simple barter economy, of course, this becomes immediately apparent. Friday will not accept Robinson's paper credit in the first place (but only real, commodity credit), and because of this, the boom-bust cycle will not get started. But in a complex monetary economy, the fact that credit was created out of thin air is not noticeable: every credit note looks like any other, and because of this the notes are accepted by the takers of credit.

This does not change the fundamental fact of reality that nothing can be produced out of nothing and that investment projects undertaken without any real funding whatsoever (by savings) must fail, but it explains why a boom — an increased level of investment accompanied by the expectation of higher future income and wealth — can get started (Friday does accept the note instead of immediately refusing it). And it explains why it then takes a while until the physical reality reasserts itself and reveals such expectations as illusory.

But what's a little crisis to you? Even if your path to riches is through repeated crises, brought about by your paper-money regime and central-bank policies, from your point of view — from the viewpoint as the head of state and chief of the central bank — this form of print-and-loan wealth redistribution in your own and your banker friends' favor, while less immediate than that achieved with a simple print-and-spend policy, is still much preferable, because it is far more difficult to see through and recognize for what it is. Rather than coming across as a plain fraud and parasite, in pursuing an easy-credit policy you can even pretend that you are engaged in the selfless task of "investing in the future" (rather than spending on present frivolities) and "healing" economic crises (rather than causing them).

*With excerpts from papers of an Austrian economist & also articles of publications of people whose names I have missed

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy wall street & the Banker! who is right?

Let's start with the obvious: Unemployment. Three years after the financial crisis, the unemployment rate is still at the highest level since the Great Depression (except for a brief blip in the early 1980s) Jobs are scarce, so many adults have given up looking for them. Thus, a sharp decline in the "participation ratio."

And it's not like unemployment these days is a quick, painful jolt: A record percentage of unemployed people have been unemployed for longer than 6 months. And it's not just construction workers who can't find jobs. The median duration of all unemployment is also near an all-time high. That 9% rate, by the way, equates to 14 million Americans—people who want to work but can't find a job. And that's just people who meet the strict criteria for "unemployed." Include people working part-time who want to work full-time, plus some people who haven't looked for a job in a while, and unemployment's at 17%

Put differently, this is the lowest percentage of Americans with jobs since the early 1980s (And the boom prior to that, by the way, was from women entering the workforce).

And now we turn to the other side of this issue... the Americans for whom life has never been better. The OWNERS.
Corporate profits just hit another all-time high.
Corporate profits as a percent of the economy are near a record all-time high. With the exception of a brief happy period in 2007 (just before the crash), profits are higher than they've been since the 1950s. And they are VASTLY higher than they've been for most of the intervening half-century.

CEO pay is now 350X the average worker's, up from 50X from 1960-1985.
CEO pay has skyrocketed 300% since 1990. Corporate profits have doubled. Average "production worker" pay has increased 4%. The minimum wage has dropped. (All numbers adjusted for inflation).
After adjusting for inflation, average hourly earnings haven't increased in 50 years.
In short... while CEOs and shareholders have been cashing in, wages as a percent of the economy have dropped to an all-time low.
In other words, in the struggle between "labor" and "capital," capital has basically won
Of course, life is great if you're in the top 1% of American wage earners. You're hauling in a bigger percentage of the country's total pre-tax income than you have at any time since the late 1920s. Your share of the national income, in fact, is almost 2X the long-term average!

And the top 0.1% in America are doing way better than the top 0.1% in other first-world countries.
In fact, income inequality has gotten so extreme here that the US now ranks 93rd in the world in "income equality." China's ahead of USA. So is India. So is Iran.

And, by the way, few people would have a problem with inequality if the American Dream were still fully intact—if it were easy to work your way into that top 1%. But, unfortunately, social mobility in this country is also near an all-time low.
So what does all this mean in terms of net worth? Well, for starters, it means that the top 1% of Americans own 42% of the financial wealth in this country. The top 5%, meanwhile, own nearly 70%. That's about 60% of the net worth of the country held by the top 5%. And remember that huge debt problem USA has—with hundreds of millions of Americans indebted up to their eyeballs? Well, the top 1% doesn't have that problem. They only own 5% of the country's debt.

And then there are taxes... It's a great time to make a boatload of money in America, because taxes on the nation's highest-earners are close to the lowest they've ever been. The aggregate tax rate for the top 1% is lower than for the next 9%—and not much higher than it is for pretty much everyone else.

As the nation's richest people often point out, they do pay the lion's share of taxes in the country: The richest 20% pay 64% of the total taxes. (Lower bar). Of course, that's because they also make most of the money. (Top bar).

And now we come to the type of American corporation that gets—and deserves—a big share of the blame: The banks. Willie Sutton once explained that the reason he robbed banks was because "that's where the money is." The man knew what he was talking about.

Remember when US bailed out the banks? Yes, and remember the REASON we were told Americans had to bail out the banks? Americans had to bail out the banks, they were told, so that the banks could keep lending to American businesses. Without that lending, they were told, society would collapse...

So, did the banks keep lending? Um, no. Bank lending dropped sharply, and it has yet to recover.

So, what have banks been doing since 2007 if not lending money to American companies? Lending money to America's government! By buying risk-free Treasury bonds and other government-guaranteed securities. And, remarkably, they've also been collecting interest on money they are NOT lending—the "excess reserves" they have at the Fed. Back in the financial crisis, the Fed decided to help bail out the banks by paying them interest on this money that they're not lending. And they're happily still collecting it. (It's AWESOME to be a bank.)

Meanwhile, of course, the banks are able to borrow money FOR FREE. Because the Fed has slashed rates to basically zero. And the banks have slashed the rates they pay on deposits to basically zero. So they can have all the money they want—for nearly free!

When you can borrow money for nothing, and lend it back to the government risk-free for a few percentage points, you can COIN MONEY. And the banks are doing that. According to IRA, the "net interest margin" made by US banks in the first six months of this year is $211 Billion. Nice!
And that has helped produce $58 billion of profit in the first six months of the year.

And it has helped generate near-record financial sector profits—while the rest of the country struggles with its 9% unemployment rate. And these profits are getting back toward a record as a percentage of all corporate profits.

And those profits, of course, are AFTER the banks have paid their bankers. And it's still great to be a banker. The average banker in New York City made $361,330 in 2010. Not bad!

This average Wall Street salary was 6X the average private-sector salary (which, in turn, is actually lower than the average government salary, but that's a different issue).

So it REALLY doesn't suck to be a banker.
And so, in conclusion, we'll end with another look at the "money shot"—the one overarching reason the Wall Street protesters are so upset: Wages as a percent of the economy. Again, it's basically the lowest it has ever been.

So now you know what the protesters are upset about

(All the data is gathered from From US department of labor, Treasury ) Majority of arguments are from articles on web


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shadow remains

Violin flowing robes
Melancholy haunting lilting tunes
floating on the waves
"Life is nothing but series of interludes"

its a song
its the young yawn
riding on the wave
Seashore open sore
red white Baloons
white sand
Barren land

Mind walk backwards
lost in hallways of time
why don't i see you?
gives pain
so much grace
Your embrace!

Steal some life
grinding of time
born existed died
Sand in hand
love in life
"Hold tight or they fly"

Hoarded you are
somewhere within me
hidden from the world
in my smiles
in my sighs
"Bound we are by pain"

World in unison
sand slips time flies
youth goes heart cries
Sun burns dreams blur
words falter God dies
Shadow remains

Friday, August 05, 2011

Long lost

why this amazement
why this naivete?
The first pat of love
resembled that dream
impossible, rare, exquisite!
tender as heart,
light as thought you seemed

The pride it gave,
warrior at the feet,
pleading for a glance,a feint smile,
world forgotten, lowered bow
lovelorn, unsure,
homologating his feelings
blood writ letters and tears

This was the time
You could ask him for Sun
The air, the moon
life,death or any clime

Alas! folly of love
forgot to see
Life in every death
in every surrender
we are all dying like this blossom
without sun in a luxurious room
Love dies too

When she rose
in love, in acceptance
wanton desires of body
saw him walk away
load of dead on his shoulders

waiting in decorated garden of hope
someday blossom may pass this way.
Breathing,alone is not life O lord
Neither does heart ache
nor do the sleeves get wet anymore

Splinters of glass dreams, waking eyes,
Pain, tears, fear of abandonment
flowing waters, dissolving banks
I am living, I am no more

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

I will join them, the souls

Before I slip into unconsciousness
Give me one more chance at bliss
I will be soft & gentle
Let the pain give me one more kiss

This endless vigil
of the pathway, the door
against sea and the window grime
hoping to see your face
One more time

Eyes are tiring over
will they win? perhaps.
They still wonder, wander,
feeling the souls of dead,
floating in hospital room,
keeping an eye on the living,
death is not what I dread

crawling on all fours
to sip that elixir of life,
reminiscing when i used to be strong
Heart, eyes & the vigil
humming that old song.

soon enough
I will join them, the souls.
soon enough I shall walk
the alleys of time
"We shall miss nothing
except each other".

This endless vigil
of the pathway, the door
Voices from distant
some other life, perhaps.
"Chand chura ke laya hoon
Chal baithen church ke peeche"

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Time for alternate currencies

"The paper system being founded on public confidence and having of itself no intrinsic value, it is liable to great and sudden fluctuations, thereby rendering property insecure and the wages of labor unsteady and uncertain.

The corporations which create the paper money can not be relied upon to keep the circulating medium uniform in amount. In times of prosperity, when confidence is high, they are tempted by the prospect of gain or by the influence of those who hope to profit by it to extend their issues of paper beyond the bounds of discretion and the reasonable demands of business; and when these issues have been pushed on from day to day, until public confidence is at length shaken, then a reaction takes place, and they immediately withdraw the credits they have given, suddenly curtail their issues, and produce an unexpected and ruinous contraction of the circulating medium, which is felt by the whole community.

The banks by this means save themselves, and the mischievous consequences of their imprudence or cupidity are visited upon the public. Nor does the evil stop here. These ebbs and flows in the currency and these indiscreet extensions of credit naturally engender a spirit of speculation injurious to the habits and character of the people. We have already seen its effects in the wild spirit of speculation in the public lands and various kinds of stock which within the last year or two seized upon such a multitude of our citizens and threatened to pervade all classes of society and to withdraw their attention from the sober pursuits of honest industry. (its where a career in banking inevitably leads)

It is not by encouraging this spirit that we shall best preserve public virtue and promote the true interests of our country; but if your currency continues as exclusively paper as it now is, it will foster this eager desire to amass wealth without labor; it will multiply the number of dependents on bank accommodations and bank favors; the temptation to obtain money at any sacrifice will become stronger and stronger, and inevitably lead to corruption, which will find its way into your public councils and destroy at no distant day the purity of your Government."

How prophetic these words sound today even after some 100's of years.
American president Andrew Jackson

For a change I wanted to start with something said more than 100 year back and how relevant it has become today. This 'Quantitative easing' , "Toilet economics' as far as i would like to describe it will lead to balance sheet recession. In that scenario corporates would look to retire debt rather than have focus on profits even if the interest rate continues to hover around 0%. They will not borrow money for expansion but use the cash flow for retiring debt and make the balance sheet healthy. Such is the nature of beast leading to the slowdown in economic activity (that is happening in West).

For months the Fed purchased hundreds of billions of dollars of Treasury debt, enabling the US government to fund its profligate deficit spending, push the national debt to its limit, and further devalue the dollar. Confidence in the dollar is plummeting, confidence in the euro has been shattered by the European bond crisis, and beleaguered consumers and investors are slowly but surely awakening to the fact that government-issued currencies do not hold their value.

Currency is sound only when it is recognized and accepted as such by individuals, through the actions of the market, without coercion. Throughout history, gold and silver have been the two commodities that have most fully satisfied the requirements of sound money. This is why people around the world are flocking once again to gold and silver as a store of value to replace their rapidly depreciating paper currencies. Even central banks have come to their senses and have begun to stock up on gold once again.

With a burning inflation of 10% + in India, we are already shafted. I refuse to believe this CONgress theory of supply side issues. It is largely driven by the failure of Indian government to control profiteering and breakdown of governance. The government monopoly on the issuance of money is purely a method of central control over the economy. If you can be forced to accept the government's increasingly devalued rupee, there is no limit to how far the government will go to debauch the currency. Anyone who attempts to create a market based currency – meaning a currency with real value as determined by markets – threatens to embarrass the federal government and expose the folly of our fiat monetary system. So the government will destroy competition through its usual tools of arrest, confiscation, and incarceration but the time has to come to create local currnecies - Village, Town level.

At the end the currency works on the principal of trust and without coercion

Monday, August 01, 2011

"Sisters & Brother"

It's been 118 years that the great man descended on American consciousness with these famous opening words at the Parliament of the World’s Religions at Chicago in 1893. He addressed his audience as “Sisters and Brothers of America” and proceeded to introduce them to the dharma — the Sanatana Dharma which is also known as Hinduism.

Unfortunately, in today's western events dominated history, in addition to the criminal apathy,sorry hatred of the ruling establishment towards Sanatan thought, we simply remember this day as anniversary of WTC attacks. We must remember this day for the simplicity and great confidence with which Vivekanand opened the world's eyes towards the inherent wisdom and philosophical thought of Bharat.

Here’s bit from that speech.

"I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true. I am proud to belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of the earth. I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the purest remnant of the Israelites, who came to Southern India and took refuge with us in the very year in which their holy temple was shattered to pieces by Roman tyranny. I am proud to belong to the religion which has sheltered and is still fostering the remnant of the grand Zoroastrian nation. I will quote to you, brethren, a few lines from a hymn which I remember to have repeated from my earliest boyhood, which is every day repeated by millions of human beings: “As the different streams having their sources in different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee.”

The present convention, which is one of the most august assemblies ever held, is in itself a vindication, a declaration to the world of the wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita: “Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me.” Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilisation and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now. But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honour of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal..."

Our revered Manmohan singh off-course has different ideas. He wants to introduce 'Communal Violence bill' on this day to demonise the Sanatanis as perpetrators of violence.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Who runs the nations

The advantage of having a corporation over being an individual investing in trade voyages etc, is that an individual’s debts could be inherited by descendants (and hence, one could be jailed for debts of other family members, for example). A corporate charter however, was and is limited in its risks, to just the amount that was invested. A right not accorded to individuals.

As corporations did manage to increase their wealth and therefore political power, laws that initially tried to manage them were further relaxed. As we have seen in the name of East India company, corporations would benefit from the State’s war-making activities, further increasing their wealth and influence.

Yet, it was claiming of a corporation to be an individual in the United States in the 1800s, and claiming the same rights as a person that helped to provide for large expansion of corporate capitalism.

United states of America Supreme Court ruling in 1886 ... arguably set the stage for the full-scale development of the culture of capitalism, by handing to corporations the right to use their economic power in a way they never had before. Relying on the Fourteenth Amendment, added to the Constitution in 1868 to protect the rights of freed slaves, the Court ruled that a private corporation is a natural person under the U.S. Constitution, and consequently has the same rights and protection extended to persons by the Bill of Rights, including the right to free speech. Thus corporations were given the same “rights” to influence the government in their own interests as were extended to individual citizens, paving the way for corporations to use their wealth to dominate public thought and discourse.

But since then, either way, the influence and power of large corporations has increased and is an undeniable facet of the 'global village' and corporate globalization. Of course, the influence of various groups and entities is nothing new. But today, the increasing size and wealth of corporations point to more concentration of wealth and of political and economic power and influence than before. Indeed, today, of the 100 largest economies in the world, 51 are corporations; only 49 are countries (based on a comparison of corporate sales and country GDPs).

We , In India have been witness to a Unique phenomenon in the recorded world history when a Multinational corporation slaved an entire country, That is India. Who were these people who created these corporations and who have inherited them now? Well, let me explore the history and the related controversies through the example of East India Company. Trust me only the modus operandi has changed. MNC's still own countries and the only reason populations exist is to serve the interests of corporations. It's time that Indian corporates must rise and Government of India must build up muscle to safeguard the wealth of corporations make outside India.

East India Companies (EICs)
What we Know

East India Company, a group of British Merchants or British Government joined together and formed a company and British Dutch French Belgium Kings Gave unbridled charter rights to Trade over vast India China, Far East Asia and Africa. All believe that the same structure identically followed when Bank of England was Chartered a year later. Same thing continued with Lloyds which was chartered a year later. It was also told that this EIC was dissolved in 1857 and British Queen took over the India.

Commodities of EICs

EICs bought tea, spices from South East Asia. But what did they sell. What ever they sold gave them incredible profits and with this they maintained huge private army, traveled thousands of miles to do business conquering all nations in South East Asia. We know that they sold cotton and clothes to India. The other magical commodity which they sold is to Chinese was grown in India, after EICs forced poor Indian farmers at point to abandon all other agricultural production, the name of which if Indians hear probably they first laugh and then faint, it is the most addictive drug Opium.

Another exciting product that was dealt on large scale by EICs (all) was selling slaves from all places to South America to work in sugar, tea plantations and ranches. From India they called them coolies, from china they are called pigs and from Africa proper they are called slaves. British EIC sold close to million slaves (these products are terrific as the cost production is zero and what ever the sale price is it is pure profit) till the beginning of 20th century.

The East India Company (the “Company”) was one of the institutions created as a product of the Venetian Merchants takeover of England’s commerce. In England it was called British East India Company. The Levant Company, set up to trade with the East, had been formed in 1592 as a fusion of the Turkey Company (with predominant partnership by house of Sassoon, fathers-in-law of Rothschild) and the Venice Company (probably the House of Rothschild). In 1600. The East India Company was formed as a spin-off (subsidiary of) of the Levant Company. It received a perpetual charter from the British Monarchy for a monopoly on trade with the East Indies. This east india company had many partners under various names belonging to various nations, Dutch, British, Belgium and French East India Companies and Dutch, British and French East African Companies and received same perpetual charters from all these countries.

Most importantly The Levant Company or Turkey Company or The Venice Company and East India Companies are all partnerships. Meaning they need not declare their profits, nor assets nor the partner names or addresses. An appointed representative of the company will file returns and act as liaison of the principal owners. Worst with East india company was, it was a subsidiary of The Levant Company. As we see with many Multi National Companies (MNCs) that are forming partnership in India are also Subsidiaries of some other holding companies, and these holding companies in turn are subsidiaries of another set of numbered companies and these numbered companies in turn are held in trusts and these trusts are held in partnership, and the partnership address is a P.O. Box number some where in Central London or in New York. We see only the officers and lawyers of these MNCs not the real owners. It is the identification of the ownership of these MNCs and EICs will solve the puzzle of dis appeared EICs, a puzzle probably except Japan none in Asia ever understood, Indians never thought of it so never worried about it and do not care about it.

This company had 40 owners. They elected a governor, a deputy governor and a board consisting of 24 directors. The same structure identically followed when Bank of England was Chartered. Who are these 40 share holders/owners of this company. But in reality East India Companies-British East India Company, French East India Company and Dutch East India Company-in their noble cause of civilizing mankind looted close to $ 1.6 trillion worth of wealth from the countries they traded with. Ruthlessly exploited more than dozen countries by selling their subjects as slaves. Killed more than 100 million people in order to maximize their profit and minimize their cost, encouraged wholesale addiction of opium among 30 million people, created more than 30 famines all across the nations. These gigantic behemouth East India Companies were the true Multinationals of their time. They dis appeared from the face of earth-we should believe so-and reappeared as Multi National Corporations controlled by the same owners their heirs successors. This part examines the origin of these industrial houses that owned EICs and the other industrial houses that were involved with these East India Companies.

Who are these 40 persons who owned this company? Why did British government pledged its soldiers for this company for next 400 years conquering every land this company touched? Where did the money they made in the company went? To British government or to the owners? How much money they made? What are the commodities these traders traded?
Why after 275 years after its inception when this British East India company was dissolved, all properties were absorbed by Lloyds-a behemoth of Shipping Insurance under writing and investment Bank- which is a subsidiary of N.M. Rothschild & Co. Though after Mrs. Victoria proclaimed India as part of British Empire why the Indian affairs were run by Privy Council with Managing partnership of EIC, and Chancellor Exchequer of British Treasury who happened to be all the time the Chairman of Bank of England, another Family bank of House of Rothschild.

These families constitute a financier oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor throne. They view themselves as the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715, and established a new, more virulent, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium....
The City of London dominates the world's speculative markets. A tightly interlocking group of corporations, involved in raw materials extraction, finance, insurance, transportation, and food production, controls the lion's share of the world market, and exerts virtual "choke point'' control over world industry." http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/largest.htm
Steinberg belongs to a group of historians associated with economist Lyndon Larouche. They have traced this scourge to the migration of the Venetian mercantile oligarchy to England more than 300 years ago. http://members.tripod.com/~american_alm ... nlowry.htm

Although the Larouche historians do not say so, it appears that many members of this oligarchy were Jews. Cecil Roth writes: "The trade of Venice was overwhelmingly concentrated in the hands of the Jews, the wealthiest of the mercantile class." (/The History of the Jews in Venice, 1930) /
The Jewish banking families made it a practice to marry their female offspring to spendthrift European aristocrats. In Jewish law, the mixed offspring of a Jewish mother is Jewish. (The male heirs always marry Jews.) The daughter of Jewish banker Ernest Cassel married Lord Louis Montbatten, who was related to Queen Victoria and Prince Philip.

The British East India Company who snuck into India under the guise of traders first initiated colonisation. You can read about their Illuminati links at this page http://user.pa.net/~drivera/fw5.htm which says that "They were closely related to the Levant Company, and the Anglo-Muscovy Company, and spawned the London Company, which was chartered in 1606 by King James I, to establish the Virginia Plantation on a communistic basis, and the Plymouth Colony in 1621." And again "Every year, 24 Directors were elected by the Court of Proprietors (or shareholders, a majority of which were English Masons)."
The British traders were not allowed to own property in India but one of them managed to gain the favors of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb by curing his ill wife. In return, he asked for land. This piece of land became the Madras Headquarters of the East India Company.

EIC 1815 Rothschilds MNC 1975 Lib & Pvt
Free Trade in Action
EIC and Indian Gold for British paychecks
On the orders of Nathan Rothschild then Chairman Bank of England, Eight hundred thousand pounds of gold (close to 350 tons) was shipped out of India from East India Company to his brother James Rothschild in Paris to be sent to Admiral Nelson to pay salaries of British/Spanish soldiers fighting with Napoleon. Nathan was billed $ 2 per kilogram of Gold by East India Company. Historians believe that this $ 2 dollars is nothing but the shipping charges that were paid to the shipping company, Lloyds (at $ 2 per kilogram of gold), to carry the gold to James in Paris.
Essentially East India Company shipped the Indian gold Free obtained from Indian Free Trade to Nathan to be paid for British soldiers’ salaries who were fighting a European battle for British supremacy.

In the year 1600 East India Company was formed and given exclusive right to trade with India and south east Asia by British Monarchy under the concept of Free Trade and Globalization. The Charter was renewed in 1690. It was also given the right to civilize India. In the year 1965 club of Rome (top industrial houses- real owners of EICs or MNCs) divided the world in 10 economic segments and gave unbridled authority to ruthlessly exploit Segment 9 (India belongs to this segment 9) a group of mineral (diamond, gold, uranium, life saving medicinal plants, organic food and drinking water) oil natural gas rich south east Asian nations consisting one third of population of world- under liberalization (liberalize domestic economy to globalize its owners) and privatization (privatize so that Free Trade can further control domestic economy via global owners) to a group of MNCs.

Well One of the early venetian to land in England was the John Churchill the 1st duke of marlborough and he is ancestor to a famous English politician who created 'The great Bengal Famine' and killed 7 million Indians during WWII, Winston Churchill.

By 1701, the lunatics of the late-model incarnation of the Venetian Party had typically inbred a set of oligarchical families, mixing and matching Spencers, and Godolphins, and Churchills--the last headed by John Churchill, soon to become duke of Marlborough.Churchill had begun as a page boy to Charles II in 1665, behind the skirts of his sister Arabella, the mistress of the king's brother James. Then, for similar services rendered, Churchill received £10,000 from Charles II's favorite mistress.

On Churchill family whatever you read from English press (eulogizing) is pure bull crap. May be some other day when I finish reading the book I am reading on American independence and influences on Banjamin franklin.

we must save our freedom, democracy and way of life by creating our own MNC's and acquiring wealth and lands wherever it is possible. With a growing population of 120 cr and growing, there is no choice but limiting the charter of corporation by making them do public good as part of the business in India. There is no second place in the fight to survive.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

No More

Untrampled footsteps
Borderline dreams
Occasions for sinners
Alive if it seems
Given to wander
Alone at the shore
Wanton to whisper
I am no more

Monday, July 18, 2011

Plus ça change plus ça reste la même

Yellow Mustard flowers
Under the azure blue sky
the breeze was gentle red
and the winter was pink
was the day my poetry died

Pain drenched sky,
shedding tears,
drenching my soul.
Aloneness,u made nest in heart,
need not fly.
U introduced me to myself.

Roadside cafes, food stalls
Lovers roam, night crawls.
Dark lane, sharp pain,
Saints march, dim flame.

Secluded park, anxious heart,
Chafed lips, tear sips
Poet lives, love dies,
Turn of fate, roll of dice.
Sesame seeds, Palm beach,

Red glow, dark cave,
Father in heaven,
why do I crave?
Undefiled dreams,
mountain streams, road is dark
Amy departs, choices stark
Life stalls, night crawls

More it changes, More it remains the same

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mouthful of sky

Remember the best times,
The laughter, the song.
The good life I lived while I was strong.
I could run to the end of rainbow,
Collect the colors in my palm.
fragrance in pockets, stars in the eyes
Earth in hair & mouthful of sky

The world looks different
from the hospital bed
bleached clouds
like the ghosts of icebergs.
Sky colored sky,
the sun dropped in blood
streaked splendour like a public execution.
The kid is itching,
fragrance in pockets, stars in the eyes
Earth in hair & mouthful of sky.

My mind is at ease,
my soul is at rest.
The loss of a limb
Wouldn't feel the same
The phantom pains
With none to blame.
visitors, like fish,
stink after three days.
love, loss, Rain,
aloneness, fear, pain,
desires, needs & separate ways.

incessant rains, Windows sill
White sheets, distant green hills.
Dead dreams dropping off the heart
like leaves in a dry season,
rotting around the feet.
past is the only dead thing
that smells sweet.
fragrance in pockets, stars in the eyes
Earth in hair & mouthful of sky.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Shovel leaning on his waist,
Pulled out a matchbox hesitatingly,
Burnt them, the leaves.
The street is filled with smoke,fragrance,
passerby run for cover,
He pauses and heeds the smell,
which will turn nostalgia in few years

What did you burn poet?
Memories, life i lived, love, lies,
I can make the sun stop,
Earth sing and moon cry.
I can make sun go around the moon,
I can be gigantic, reach for the stars,
I can be small, get into a hole,
Dig deep for my soul.

Can't get rid of memories,
Pitter Patter, school Gate,
Cycle trails, Doon Valley & Mumbai rains.
Those lean desperate long hours,
Anger, love, desperation.
Time searched the hallways of mind.
Hands kept time.
The climate altered like a
visible dance.
So did her mood.

Dull lights, broken street,
Abodes reeking stench,
trampled grass, Warm sun,
thirsty throat, wretched sheet.
Tiny soul, million woes,
Zestful eyes, restful pose,
Seeking fortune or hiding in Disdain?
I seek nothing! can't i take with me?

Poet, Why do you brood?
See how memories have changed you,
How slowly they estranged you
Solely arranged you
Bright lights, washed streets,
green grass,gentle noon.

What you gave in experiences and accidents,
I am returning all.
Dull lights, broken street,
Abodes reeking stench,
trampled grass, Warm sun,
thirsty throat, wretched sheet.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Times they are a changing

With the ongoing economic crisis (Yes, the crisis is ongoing and only become deeper), It's time to renew focus on Democracy and it's future. There are lot of questions that need answers. To begin with,

1. Do we really have a democracy prevailing in the any country?

2. Are we the masters of our destiny and not being led to believe things to be true or false

3. In case we are made to believe things, who is guiding us?

4. Does the so called democratic government has the will or authority to enforce it's will and act in order to fulfill the obligations under social contract?

5. What is forcing this unparalleled creation of money and why it is interfering in the governance?

6. The most important question that needed asked a long time back, Does the Voter Matter?

Let me start with the first one. No we don't have any democracy prevailing in any of the countries anymore. If the writers of Indian constitution were alive and came up with things like fundamental rights, they would have been jailed. There is a blatant contradiction that is so obvious in the way government is functioning in India. I grew up believing and reading that all people have rights that are endowed by constitutional fathers after long debates and centuries of accumulated wisdom behind them. I also believed that government can secure and protect rights but is incapable of bestowing them (since it didn't have them in the first place), and that government has mere privileges granted by the people - and that the people have the right to revoke those privileges through debates or through election process. However what happens in between the election process that comes in 5 years? Damage is already been done.

The answer to the second question regarding being masters of our own destiny. Well we are not! This 'Government of the people, by the people, and for the people' never involves people in things that impact their destinies, our destinies. Democratic governments (all parties) believe that fiscal policy (that is to say almost all government endeavours involved in spending money that touch most citizens apart from home affairs and foreign policy) is "too important" for voters to have a say over, that would be better be agreed, again, in my words, in "dark, secret debates." When everything is done in the name of people of India, why there are no informed debated with the citizenry is beyond comprehension?

The answer to the third point is muddled. Lot of Conspiracy theorists, Jholowalas would like to make you believe that they have figured it out, "It's the government,silly". This is only partially true. The Government across the world over are subservient not to the people but to 'Business interests' or the invisible hands. it's those invisible Multinationals and Indian conglomerates in addition to the banks and financial institutions. They rule from a moveable, intangible palace: Sometimes the orders seem to come from Brussels, sometimes from New york or Berlin, sometimes from a Luxembourg castle or maybe just via a dinner-time teleconference over a dodgy line and lukewarm coffee from Mumbai.

And in seeing how easy it is to intimidate democracy, they have have now gone so far, it appears, as to be on the verge of morally bankrupting the government who is so neck deep in corruption and probably lost the mandate of the people. Alas! we have no concept of 'Seppuku'

On fourth, Government has no will or authority to enforce it's part of 'Social contract'

Since the topic is more of democracy and Economics. let's stick to

This has not happened by putsch or coup d'etat, at least not one involving any guns or tanks. There are no colonels or partisans who have captured the garrisons and seized the telephone exchange. Yet a junta has installed itself nonetheless, a junta of ‘experts', technocrats, those educated in the knowledge of What Needs To Be Done. Wherever these masters of the Economic universe happen to be hovering at any one moment, the refrain in effect is the same: ‘Of course, there is no question that you are still allowed to vote however you like. Nevertheless, the policies absolutely cannot change even if the government does. Take the case of Portugal where the banks forced the parties to sign agreements even before the elections to agree to certain policies or no debt. It is therefore worrying that the dangers to democratic governance today, coming through the back door of financial priority, are not receiving the attention they should. There are profound issues to be faced about how democratic governance could be undermined by the hugely heightened role of financial institutions and rating agencies, which now lord it freely over parts of Global political terrain.

The day is not far of when the UPA profligacy will lead us to a similar situation. With the combination of 'Sarkari Jholawalas' in Sonia led NAC (national advisory council) and a 78 year old 'Sarkari Clerk' in PMO we are heading towards the same way. With a ballooning debt at almost 75% of GDP (so what if most of it is in INR) our capacity to pay it back will depend on the earnings of future generations, who are increasingly unemployable due to poor education, we are hell bent on implementing inane, stupid and inflationary ideas such as NREGA/Food security bill. what happened to the old fashioned way of hardwork and earning one's bread through the sweat of of brow?

The formal trappings of clean elections - in which political parties with competing manifestoes contest a ballot free of voter intimidation - are all still there, but someone else is deciding in advance what the result will be. Political parties will be in no position to resist these financial institutions if we continue to collect debts for these hazardous, poisonous schemes. we are surrendering our capacity to maneuver and implement the will of the people. Today it's Europe, tomorrow it could be India. What is happeneing in Portugal, Ireland and Greece is erosion of democracy.

Money creation is nothing but debt creation, my professor taught me. While we are creating money we must balance it with Goods and services of equivalent value to offset the inflation. With 15% inflation raging on our heads in india, we are headed for more disaster with Food security or any other bill of that nature. Once you promise to give certain things free, you can not take them back or get ready for violence (think free TV, washing machine, laptops in TN) .

According to a poll conducted by Greece's Kappa Institute two weeks ago, 30 percent of Greek respondents actually want the country to be led by "a group of experts and technocrats."

A plurality of Greeks have now become so disillusioned with sovereignty and democracy that they think at least the experts could deliver something better than the seemingly insurmountable unemployment, corruption and economic collapse they see around them.

The same survey said that less than a quarter believed that a democratically-elected government will be able to overcome the ordeal they are going through.

But if the experts, the technocrats who are sidelining democracy in their subtle way, feel heartened by such polls, they should pause when they read the rest of this census.

A full 22.7 percent want "a strongman" to resolve the ongoing crisis.

We have seen a Greece, get ready for India in 10 years. The Anna, Ramdev campaigns under the garb of 'Civil society' are nothing but capturing the moral space vacated by the government. A handful of zealots, partisans are holding the government, who should have reflecting the will of the people, by their throat. This blatant undermining of constitution, parliament and cabinet has been made possible by the acceptance of NAC as super advisory body by Manmohan government.

The state and the rule of law are being ridiculed on a daily basis. May god bless Bharatvarsha!

Jai Ho! jai Ho!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Philosophy ! Who needs it

Well pardon me for the borrowed title from the famous Ayn Rand but i could not find any other title worth the meaning. This piece is a tribute to the bizzare and the bazar. This is in continuation of my search for an answer, to be very honest many of them. To seek answers, let me begin with the questions.

Are we living on two planets?
I am serious. There must be two of them. One, on which I live and the other, We are convinced that we live. More deterministic and full of certitude. Past events are always explained as if they understood them completely, worse is that they assume to know their reasons and backfit some stupid logic also, concocted, ex posted by their deluded minds. This is something called 'Hindsight bias'. Where in I am always struggling with my intellectual insecurity. I am always calming down my skeptical mind , always questioning but people talk with certainity of their ideas and knowledge , it makes me feel a beast out of mars.
I am convinced we are living on two planets.

What about the results?
Well what about them? Reality is far more vicious than any game you have played. Its thousand barrel gun hits you hits you too infrequently. You tend to watch it for 10/20 shots may be and then you just forget that it can hit you too, That there is a bullet lying somewhere in the chamber. This is the 'Black swan' Taleb is talking about I guess. So that's why there is this chance of Luck sneaking in. Tough luck my friend.
Quality of decision can not rather should not be judged solely by the result at the end. It should be judged by the alternative cost principle. I mean, what else i could have been. Normally the people would say that I made the best decision and that's why i am successful. generally these are sentences associated with loosers, (You can hear the politicians say that).
In the end I would just say that you can always choose a different past too the way you choose a future.
and yes results are no guarantee of someone being intelligent , it's just Russian roulette being played out with life holding the 1 million barrel gun.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

गब्बर सिंह का चरित्र चित्रण

1. सादा जीवन, उच्च विचार: उसके जीने का ढंग बड़ा सरल था. पुराने और मैले कपड़े, बढ़ी हुई दाढ़ी, महीनों से जंग खाते दांत और पहाड़ों पर खानाबदोश जीवन. जैसे मध्यकालीन भारत का फकीर हो. जीवन में अपने लक्ष्य की ओर इतना समर्पित कि ऐशो-आराम और विलासिता के लिए एक पल की भी फुर्सत नहीं. और विचारों में उत्कृष्टता के क्या कहने! 'जो डर गया, सो मर गया' जैसे संवादों से उसने जीवन की क्षणभंगुरता पर प्रकाश डाला था.

२. दयालु प्रवृत्ति: ठाकुर ने उसे अपने हाथों से पकड़ा था. इसलिए उसने ठाकुर के सिर्फ हाथों को सज़ा दी. अगर वो चाहता तो गर्दन भी काट सकता था. पर उसके ममतापूर्ण और करुणामय ह्रदय ने उसे ऐसा करने से रोक दिया.

3. नृत्य-संगीत का शौकीन: 'महबूबा ओये महबूबा' गीत के समय उसके कलाकार ह्रदय का परिचय मिलता है. अन्य डाकुओं की तरह उसका ह्रदय शुष्क नहीं था. वह जीवन में नृत्य-संगीत एवंकला के महत्त्व को समझता था. बसन्ती को पकड़ने के बाद उसके मन का नृत्यप्रेमी फिर से जाग उठा था. उसने बसन्ती के अन्दर छुपी नर्तकी को एक पल में पहचान लिया था. गौरतलब यह कि कला के प्रति अपने प्रेम को अभिव्यक्त करने का वह कोई अवसर नहीं छोड़ता था.

4. अनुशासनप्रिय नायक: जब कालिया और उसके दोस्त अपने प्रोजेक्ट से नाकाम होकर लौटे तो उसने कतई ढीलाई नहीं बरती. अनुशासन के प्रति अपने अगाध समर्पण को दर्शाते हुए उसने उन्हें तुरंत सज़ा दी.

5. हास्य-रस का प्रेमी: उसमें गज़ब का सेन्स ऑफ ह्यूमर था. कालिया और उसके दो दोस्तों को मारने से पहले उसने उन तीनों को खूब हंसाया था. ताकि वो हंसते-हंसते दुनिया को अलविदा कह सकें. वह आधुनिक यु का 'लाफिंग बुद्धा' था.

6. नारी के प्रति सम्मान: बसन्ती जैसी सुन्दर नारी का अपहरण करने के बाद उसने उससे एक नृत्य का निवेदन किया. आज-कल का खलनायक होता तो शायद कुछ और करता.

7. भिक्षुक जीवन: उसने हिन्दू धर्म और महात्मा बुद्ध द्वारा दिखाए गए भिक्षुक जीवन के रास्ते को अपनाया था. रामपुर और अन्य गाँवों से उसे जो भी सूखा-कच्चा अनाज मिलता था, वो उसी से अपनी गुजर-बसर करता था. सोना, चांदी, बिरयानी या चिकन मलाई टिक्का की उसने कभी इच्छा ज़ाहिर नहीं की.

8. सामाजिक कार्य: डकैती के पेशे के अलावा वो छोटे बच्चों को सुलाने का भी काम करता था. सैकड़ों माताएं उसका नाम लेती थीं ताकि बच्चे बिना कलह किए सो जाएं. सरकार ने उसपर 50,000 रुपयों का इनाम घोषित कर रखा था. उस युग में 'कौन बनेगा करोड़पति' ना होने के बावजूद लोगों को रातों-रात अमीर बनाने का गब्बर का यह सच्चा प्रयास था.

9. महानायकों का निर्माता: अगर गब्बर नहीं होता तो जय और व??रू जैसे लुच्चे-लफंगे छोटी-मोटी चोरियां करते हुए स्वर्ग सिधार जाते. पर यह गब्बर के व्यक्तित्व का प्रताप था कि उन लफंगों में भी महानायक बनने की क्षमता जागी.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

New war- New tools

O Lord, Cry me a river, for we seem to learn nothing out of our follies and I am making no distinction between Private and Public behavior. Who is to blame for this exhibitionism? What is driving men (not in Gender terms) to this increasing wearing of emotions on sleeve. What happened to the good old adage, "what goes around the house, stays in the house" ? Now , i see many of you shaking your head in denial and sheer absurdity of writing this kind of article.

We are all leaving digital footprints everywhere we go, You are not Google's customer. You are Google's product, which they sell to their [advertising] customers. I cant help but expressing continued concern at Google's use of privileged personal data from users of Gmail, its e-mail service, as the foundation of Google's new social networking site, Buzz. Staff postings to social networking sites pose a new data leakage risk. This kind of risk poses a huge threat to companies involved with deals or projects that are at a sensitive stage . people constantly updating their location on Linked-in or facebook present a corporate risk in case you are working in mergers and acquisitions of new product development or even marketing. 3 trips down to a particular market in a space of 1 month can alarm any competitor of impending product launch by the Brand director/ Category head.

Mobile phones that store personal contacts, music and photographs also often contain highly sensitive work data. Devices such as BlackBerry smartphones, originally intended for business use, are now being increasingly marketed to consumers, while the Apple iPhone, essentially a consumer device, is being targeted at professionals. It is feared that new technologies such as cloud computing, where an organisation's data and software are stored on remote servers controlled by a third party, also pose a huge potential security challenge.

Apart from the obvious risks for the corporates , there are enormous risks in Private space too. Facebook updates are nothing but a cry for attention. It looks like a desperate plea to get noticed. We are simply trivializing the value of old fashioned relationships which were built on time spent , standing by someone through thick and thin. Sharing, caring and lot of times showing patience. This Facebook behavior is teaching new meanings in relationships. We 'Friend' and 'Unfriend' so easily. People are just taking this behavior to family life.

Would you rather spend hours on-end tending to a fictional farm or gangstering around Facebook than being physically intimate with a spouse? While on a date are you more focused on this great Tweet you're think of than the pleasant conversation? Do you consider things that happen IRL to be "quaint"? If you answered Yes, Maybe or even No to any of these questions, you may be a social media addict. Social media addiction is a real thing and no laughing matter. It affects, probably, thousands of people. And it may be wrecking your relationships and the ability to connect with people while logged off of the world wide web.The old fashioned way of taking and thrashing out differences is almost non-existent.

Alas, we need new tools in this new warfare agains the onslaught of social media and merging of both spaces.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

We the uncouth

"We lost ourselves the day we were born

Since then the search began

To find those of our family

We were confused

For we were given a family of birth

We had friends from our situation

In this funny place called “society”

We travelled

And felt the semblance of the primeval sensation of life

We wondered why we felt at home on the road

We were made to believe we were a little strange

For how many stay away from “home” for so long?

How many become the rebels we did?

We wandered on empty streets in the night

Feeling the wind of the sea, the river, the mountains of wherever we lived…

We had so many questions and no answers we found

We searches, always searched

We searched even for ourselves…

We delved in unfathomable depths of the being

We rowed for months in strange alien seas

We searched for friends of the soul

Somehow no friends we had, ever

Seemed like friends enough…

How could we explain what “friends” meant to us?

Friends were beings so akin to us

They could read our minds

Walk in step with us on those roads of life

Friends were those who travelled with us

Climbed mountains, forged rivers, conquered seas…

Friends were one life breath, strangely

Such few “friends” we ever found in this world

We stayed aloof…from so much

The norms, the religions, thought processes of the world

We risked our lives, our positions, our family relations for our beliefs

We did the things we believed in

Worked for none but ourselves

We were called selfish for we cared

About our own well being…

We fought, we battled,

We ran like mad from so many, so much

We hid, we absconded, we hibernated

Some of us found our soulmates

Some of us didn’t

Some of us had homes, children, love

Some of us lived lonely in far away homes

Some of us were fulfilled having found the love

The understanding we seeked, the minds akin to ours

Some of us…after a long time stopped searching having understood that in some lifetimes we were meant to be alone

Our soulmates parted from us, living another life…

May be in another world, probably another time zone…

We, the seekers, the thinkers, the rebels

We ache to get together for nowhere seems like home

We long for company of similar minds, sensibilities

We hurt, we bleed, we pain, we lie, we die…

But we live completely, every moment of our lives

Live the good and bad as same

Give all of ourselves to the world…

To nature… to art…

For there is no other way to live we know

We seek answers all the time

We question all the time

We are probably the only ones who know how deep pain carves its being into us

And how full happiness makes us feel…

We are comfortable with extremes

We are comfortable with tears, with abandonment, with aloneness…

We, the unknown ones

We, the misfits

We, the seekers, the thinkers, the rebels…"

Attributed to the anonymous rebels and by an anonymous rebel