Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shadow remains

Violin flowing robes
Melancholy haunting lilting tunes
floating on the waves
"Life is nothing but series of interludes"

its a song
its the young yawn
riding on the wave
Seashore open sore
red white Baloons
white sand
Barren land

Mind walk backwards
lost in hallways of time
why don't i see you?
gives pain
so much grace
Your embrace!

Steal some life
grinding of time
born existed died
Sand in hand
love in life
"Hold tight or they fly"

Hoarded you are
somewhere within me
hidden from the world
in my smiles
in my sighs
"Bound we are by pain"

World in unison
sand slips time flies
youth goes heart cries
Sun burns dreams blur
words falter God dies
Shadow remains