Tuesday, September 26, 2017

War of languages & unrealised potential of India.

I keep on thinking I have hurt the wrong crowd..
I am Just trying to leave something behind
Oh money is free but loves costs more than a brick
Ceiling is hard to reach and future is hard to breech
I am trying to leave something behind
This whole world is foreign land,
We swallow the moon but don't know our own hand
We are running with the case but ain't got the gold
We are trying to leave something behind..
I can not read what I didn't write...

Because of this lack of language - our 1.3 billion actually translate to the population of a small nation. It gets worse and I will stop after this post - maybe we can take it elsewhere. We English clerks also have a contempt for the non English speaker that makes him feel very insecure. Our stress is on cultural belonging by good spelling and pronunciation and refuse to assimilate and modify English ourselves. We boast so much about our IT prowess but we don't even get an Indian spellcheck that does not object to names like Saurabh and Shiv - which get a red line underneath asking if I have typed shit, but William and Ronald are recognized. We should really be ramming in our own words into our own dictionary including grammatical errors as "Where it is" and "What it is" and puncher for puncture. 

But we are such hoity toity sons-a-bitches that we all slavishly follow someone else's dictionary and laugh at those who don't "quite come up to scratch" Harrumph