Saturday, November 03, 2007

Random moorings

Granted that we want thetruth: WHY NOT rather untruth? And uncertainty? Even ignorance?The problem of the value of truth presented itself before us--or was it we who presented ourselves before the problem? Which of us is the Oedipus here? Which the Sphinx? It would seem to be a rendezvous of questions and notes of interrogation.

"HOW COULD anything originate out of its opposite? Forexample, truth out of error? or the Will to Truth out of the willto deception? or the generous deed out of selfishness? or thepure sun-bright vision of the wise man out of covetousness.things of the highest value must have a different origin, an origin of THEIR own--in this transitory, seductive,illusory, paltry world, in this turmoil of delusion and cupidity,they cannot have their source. But rather in the lap of Being, inthe intransitory, in the concealed God, in the 'Thing-in-itself--THERE must be their source, and nowhere else!"--

If i take this logic a little forward make a more understandable statement , Can love be born out of hatred? Off late i am reading alot of Philosophy and as usual, I land up analysing the philossphers themselves. What do they seek? Truth ? Suppose for a moment truth is a woman,everyone, I mean every single living soul has been describing her as per their own encounters with her, yet they continue to claim none of the man understand them. It is indeed strange so many years of Vedanta philosophy( 10K years at the very least) we still struggle to see it and understand her. So i presume that at best the philossophies are opinions - every finite point point needs an infinite reference point so we have philosophy.

"The falseness of an opinion is not for us any objection to it:it is here." The question is, how far an opinion is life-furthering, life-preserving, species-preserving, perhaps species-rearing, and weare fundamentally inclined to maintain that the falsest opinions, are the most indispensable to us, that without a recognition of logical fictions, without a comparison of reality with the purelyIMAGINED world of the absolute and immutable, without a constant counterfeiting of the world by means of numbers, man could notlive--that the renunciation of false opinions would be arenunciation of life, a negation of life.

Do you understand what i mean? did you get a hang of what comes next? me too niether. Life is to live only i guess. More i miss someone's presence, more philosophical i get. When i embark on my journey of truth/ understanding Woman in all ways possible, I need to arm myself with possibilities as the Crapy Samsung AD, 'Imagine'. Let a thousand flowers bloom in the lonely deserts of my heart,let the alone ness that lives there get some company and she also gets busy.

Life. Let me learn deciept, let me be an dishonourable man,let me learn to be unhappy in my state. May be happiness may knock my soul.

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