Monday, September 22, 2008

My innamota

How do you describe the feeling watch a pelican stroll around your feet
looking for some grains? you move and the pretty bird stays,
unmindful of your chores,busy.
perfect harmony of beings.
I am one with my inner self, my innamota.
kids running around,playing in the grass, rolling, parents clicking pictures.
Curious young man, all of four, looking to make his mark,
chasing around the birds, get bittten, turns chicken himself.
I am one with my inner self, my innamota.
what do I seek in this distant foreign land?
purpose of life or life itself?
The old lady wipes the food off her young man’s lips.
He is frail,she perplexed looking at the pair of kissing young women.
Which one of them is ‘The woman’, nodes her head.
what language is it? east european, may be polish,err Russian
“Eat slowly George, You are retired long back, no hurry”.
I am one with my inner self, my innamota.
Is it a reinforcement of belief or statement on current state?
Am i convincing myself of the harmony with myself?
Slow long walk to the underground, sad, happy face
what about the soul? “ No one will see it”
before i walk, let me feed the pelicans, reflect at the cycle of my life.
Am i one with my inner self, my innamota?

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