Saturday, January 28, 2012

Arise! Awake and stop not till you loose it all

In most countries 5% of the population are educated/productive and pull the country forward. 95% of the population essentially has its head up its rear. The prosperous countries have govts that get out of the way of that 5%. In countries like India, not only is the govt. made up entirely of the head up rear, they ALSO put up as many road blocks as humanly possible to make the 5% fail. The results are simple to see.

Indian school students fared 2nd last in reading, writing and mathematical abilities in a test conducted by UN along Kyrgyzstan for 73 countries. the point to note is that our 15 year olds scored 200 points less than the global leader. These supposedly were children from the best run education system states, TN & Himachal. show/11492508.cms

Actually , the US high school dropout rates would have been much higher than 40-50% if they did not follow a 'no child left behind' policy . US basically passes as many high school grads as possible.

US understood that the top 5 % manpower is what counts . And that top instis like MIT and stanford are not the places to indulge in democratization . And that merit should prevail in them. While the bozos who run India wanted 'democracy' everywhere . They wanted every ration card holder to go to IIT . And hence reservation was started. There is no reservation in US medical colleges.

So what does this test reveal? For me to start with it reveals that Govt. should simply shut down state run schools and start subsidising child education money directly to the accounts of parents for them to be able to send kids to privately run schools. Not all of them may be so great but they will definitely fare better than the Government run where teachers either don't come, even if they come, they come late or sleep in classrooms and indulge in politics. We must stop this 'Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan' immediately. Show me one success story of this initiative.

This glib talk of 'Inclusive growth' coined by morally and intellectually bankrupt UPA govt. is nothing but age-old CONgress idea of redistribution of wealth and keeping the corruption machinery running through various schemes to placate the local leaders, mostly teachers etc. If we want to realise our manifest destiny, we must educate our children and educate them well or we will loose this demographic dividend.

So basically democracy in Yindia means "dumb everyone down to the same level" That brings us to a fundamental question. Why was the institution of Government created? There can be 2 answers..

1. We are incapable of making of making right decisions so we chose few amongst us to guide society towards the final objectives through a chosen path. Imagining they are part of the 5%.

2. We created a system wherein we needed people to fulfill certain jobs i.e protect my rights as individuals, civil liberties, clean the streets etc

I for one believe the system of governance was created to serve us, Protect my rights as an individual and get paid certain sum of money for doing that job. Wherein in India (disease has moved elsewhere too) the government has moved to the upper sphere. In the name of 'inclusive growth' is robbing people of their rights and giving it to the majority. It has become the tyranny of dumb/delinquent majority.

Listen, my friends, Governments don't produce any goods or services by nature and by principle. It means they have to snatch them from someone and give it to the ones libtards call, Poor, destitute. Its immoral to say the least. Universal education does not mean that you block my path in the name of providing opportunity to others. you are virtually ensuring the destruction of future prosperity by blocking this 5%.

There is nothing called, 'Right' when it comes to Education, healthcare or food. It is an individual responsibility and I am all for Private charity not as an obligation but as providing opportunity. the nature of regulations is such that when you introduce one, you bring in 2 more to ensure the first one you introduced thus bloating bureaucracy. Time has come for all of us to start regulating the government and not other way round. It was meant to serve, not rule us or the day is not far when we will rob this nation of it's manifest destiny.

Evey new scheme that Govt. introduces become another lottery for the bureaucracy to make money. Rule of people is getting replaced by rule of babus and moronic Politicians. Time to look for new system of 'public service.

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