Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Neti Neti

When asked about existence of God, our wise men said , "Neti Neti" and most of the people feel they are denying the existence of GOD. Well, this is partially correct not fully. We must look at the context in which the word is used.

Upanishads use the word Neti Neti to mean that God is beyond imagination, thought, form, finite or infinite. We can not describe him as we can not imagine anything like that. we can not imagine anything like him because we have not seen anything like him/her. Imagination is limited to the understanding of mind.

So what does the word mean? Here is a perspective

When you are balanced, you are a sage. When the balance is lost, you are lost, you have become a sinner. Sin is not something that you do, sin is something that happens within you when the balance is lost. It is not an act, it is an inner balance. It is what Mahavira has called samyaktva – inner balance; neither this nor that, what the Upanishads have called neti, neti –not this, not that. Just in between – neither moving to this, nor moving to that, because if you move, even a slight movement which nobody can detect except you… 

Remember this: nobody can detect your inner balance. Only you can detect it, it is so subtle! But even a slight movement and you are no longer at peace, you are no longer at home, you have lost the divine. Because what does a slight leaning mean? It means you have chosen. It means a distinction is made. It means you have said “This is good, that is bad.” It means expectation has come in. It means desire has sprouted. It means now you are motivated and will not hesitate to exploit emotions, thought, Body or presence. 

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