Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Mind & understanding of God - Ek meva adwitiya brahamam!!

दर्ब्या विधार्त्तुम इव यानि यगत विधात्रिम 
Like a baby , with our two tiny hands , we are trying to get hold of the mother of inverse who herself holds the entire cosmos. Man can only understand that much of truth which is reflected in his intellect. It is useless to harbour an ambition that we will know god,catch him as he is or a part of him.That is not possible also because there is no universally accepted nation of GOD.

As minds are different,so are the concepts.

How can we imagine god when he transcends our mind & intellect. When mind fails to conceive him,how intellect & sense organs will do? This is impossible.

Imagine we click a photograph of sun from earth. Now click a photograph of sun from Moon and then continuously start moving towards the sun in space clicking photograph. The results will be very different. The closer you get, more details emerge about the surface, likely composition or reasons of producing heat.

Thus we find the image of god reflected in the mirror of our heart goes on changing constantly . This is bound to happen as man conceptualises god according to mental faculties. So in Sanatan, a person with prelimnary understanding has a solution through idea of ishtadeva (Personal God). Idols are just a reflection of our ideas of god... Just like us or a bit more than us. Its not that our ancestors did not understand that Idols are stone/Metal only but even that is manifestation of Brahma. The idol or figurine is 'Nimitta' only for the beginners.
He can't think of anything that is infinite,eternal,unqualified,formless because he has never seen such an object. How will he? His vision is limited , off course imagination goes a little further but it also has limitations. Imagine a new colour? Therefore when we say, god is omni present infinite and so on, that means the more we advance towards him the more our notions of and understanding about him will change.

There is one more question to ponder. How my attaining god will benefit me? Will I get eternal life? People think that they will get some miraculous powers :) in truth however, attainment of god is nothing unnatural or strange. It is in fact, a changed state of my own. In other words, when one gets transformed into the best ideal man has about god through ceaseless contemplation,that transformed state is called attainment of god.For the initiated you have books/reasoning what we call in Vedanta - Shabd. for the evolved he understands. Tatvam Asi ... The truth I am looking for is me. He worships his own Jeevatama & attains the truth.

Api sarvam jivitam alpameva - Kathopnishad 1.1.27
 अपि सर्वं जीवितं अल्पमेवा

Brahma Satya jagat Mithya!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I Agree! its a simple thought which actually is obvious - but like all things close to us and very simple - because of our own myopia the obvious is oblivious!

"Istha deva" is a brilliant concept for two reasons - any image of god strictly enforced upon people will always be an just that an enforcement!

From Ram" - anukarniyam (followable) to Krishna (Chintaniyam) somebody you need to think about - the change in the same vishnu - showcased through the avataars is because no god who embodies strict following of stipulations will be "convenient" to live with.

True dharma is something that can be lived with on an everyday basis. That is why the "upanishads" exist to churn the vedas into liveable wisdom nuggets.

So as ironical as it seems an "adjustable god" - adjustable according to liveable rules, regulations helps you adjust the god according to the situation and your personal values.

After all no matter how hard you try - the only morales, values & ethics you can live with are the ones that you have...so the "ishta devata" acts as brilliant everyday reminder device to keep you on-track with your code of ethics, morals and values...

That is teh best way to ensure atleast a little good!!